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来源网站:百味书屋 2016-12-08 07:33:59


Unit 3 At a Music lesson

桥头小学 朱弦


1、面向五年级学生 学科:英语








教学课题:牛津小学英语5A Unit3 (B、C)

教学目标:1.能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词: sing, swim, skate, ski, dance, play, make.

2. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型: I can… What can you do ? I can … 教学重点:1.能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词: sing, swim, skate, ski, dance, play, make.

2. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型: I can… What can you do ? I can … 教学难点:1.能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词: sing, swim, skate, ski, dance, play, make.

2. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型: I can… What can you do ? I can …


教材分析:本单元主要通过Mr Green上的一堂音乐课引出“谈论能力”这一话题,主要学习Can you…?Yes,we can./No,we can’t.I can…What can you do?等句子。在教学中,教师应尽量运用图片、体态语等为学生创设情境,以帮助学生理解这些句子的功能和意义,然后引导学生操练、练习、运用。



1. Warming up and presentation

1) Greetings.

2) T: Boys and girls, today we’ll learn unit3 At a music lesson.

Chinese meaning?S1 : 在一节音乐课上Teach the title

3) T: Boys and girls, at a music lesson what can we do ? explain the Chinese meaning. 引出新单词can , teach “ can ”.讲解语法点情态动词can后加动词原形. 百度语法点:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/843b222fed630b1c59eeb5d7.html

4) T: Boys and girls, now you can tell me “ What can we do , at a music lesson? S2:“We can sing.” Teach the new word “sing”.

Sing, sing , I can sing. Sing, sing ,she can sing .(show the picture)

T: Boys and girls, can you sing some English songs?

S: Yes.

T: You can say “ Yes, we can.”

S: Yes, we can.

T: Can you sing the song “We can sing and dance”?

S: No, we can not.

Let’s listen to the song “We can sing and dance”? (clap your hands)

5)T: Boys and girls, look at me “What do I do ?”

S: dance. Teach “dance” . spell one by one.

Dance ,dance, I can dance. Dance , dance, she can dance.

T: Can you dance? (教师以动作示意)

S: Yes, we can.

6)T: Boys and girls, look at me “What do I do ?”

S: swim Teach “swim”. spell one by one.

Swim ,swim, I can swim. Swim , swim, he can swim.

7) Show the picture “What can the boy do ?”

S: skate Teach “skate”. spell one by one.

Skate ,skate, I can skate. Skate , skate, he can skate.

同理教授单词“ski” .spell one by one.

8) 由单词“cake” 引出新词“make”. Teach “make” . spell one by one.

Ask some students to read the phrases “make a puppet , make a model plane”.拓展词组 make a cake, make a coat.

9) Show the picture ,teach “play” . spell one by one.

Ask some students to read the phrases “play the guitar , play the violin”. 百度语法点:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/9ff9637a168884868762d6e1.html

讲解语法点:play 后加乐器类词,中间要加the. Play 后加球类单词直接加。 Step2 Practice

1) Listen to the tape , read after the tape.

2)T: I can play the violin. What can you do?

出示句型: What can you do?I can …

Teach “What can you do?I can …”. Explain the Chinese meaning.

Read row by row.

T : I can …what can you do ? Sa : I can …

T and Ss practice ,use the new words and phrases.

T : I can sing . What can you do ?

Ss : I can dance . what can you do ?...

3) let the students practice one by one .

4) Let’s have a chant :

I can dance , you can sing.We can skate, we can ski.

He can play , play the violin. She can make , make a puppet .

What can you do ? 配上音乐,带动气氛,调动学生的积极性。

5)T: …, what can you do ? Sb: I can…

T:…, what can she do ? Sc: She can …

拓展句型 :What can she/ he / they do ? She / He / They can… Step3 : Exercise

1) Show the picture of Part C. The students look at the picture of Part C and ask an d answer in pairs:

I can … What can you do?

I can …

Write the dialogues in partC . Check the answer.

Step4 : Homework

1 Copy part Bfour times andrecite them.

2 Copy part C and translate into Chinese .

3 Do asurvey .Ask your friends , what can they do? Step5 :Blackboard writing

Unit 3 At a Music lesson

sing make a puppet A : I can… What can you do ? dance make a model plane B : I can …

swim play the guitar

skate play the violin





Unit 3 At a Music lesson

一、 教学内容

牛津小学英语5A Unit3 At a Music lesson (AH)

二、 教学目标

1. 掌握单词、词组:sing, dance, music, lesson,

2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Let’s sing ? first. Listen to ?, please. Now, follow me, please. Let’s start/begin. Let’s sing it together.

3. 能理解课文并能初步运用课堂用语。

4. 会唱歌曲《We can sing and dance》

三、 教学重、难点

初步了解掌握句型: Can you?? Yes, I/we can. No, I/we can’t. What can you do? I can ?

四、 课前准备

PPT、 录音机、 磁带、金太阳光盘

五、 教学过程

Step 1 Warm up

1. sing a song:<Two jackets>

2. Free talk

(1)T-Ss: Hello,… What’s on your bed?

Are there any jackets on your bed?

What’s in your bedroom?

Is there a piano/violin/computer in your bedroom?

Can you play the violin/piano/computer games?

What can you do?

(2) T-SsI can …. What can you do?

(3) Ask and answer in pairs

T: Now, you can try to know what your classmates can do.

Can you??Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

What can you do? I can?


Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. T: You are all very good, I think. You can play the violin and play the guitar at a Music lesson. Do you know “Music lesson”

(1) 课件出示并带读 music, lesson

T: Follow me.

(2) 指名读反馈

A. Background

T: Good. Now we are having an English lesson, right? How about Mr Green and his students? Are they having an English lesson? 1. Please read and answer my questions.

T: The first question: What time is it now?

(It is two o’clock in the afternoon.)

T: The second question: Where are the students?(They are in the music room.)

2. Read after the tape

3. Read it by yourselves

4. 2 Ss read it

5. Read it together and try to remember

B. Part 1

1. song, sing the song

T: What can we do at a Music lesson? Yes, we can sing the song. Read after me: song

2. T-Ss: What can you sing? We can sing…

这里就有一些歌曲的名称,我们来看一看, read after me(带读歌曲名称) 你们会唱什么歌? What can you sing? 你可以把会唱的歌曲告诉老师: We can sing?

3. T: You can sing many songs, I think. How about Mr Green’ students? What can they sing? Please listen and find.

(1)Watch Part 1 and try to complete the form

They can sing________ and ________. They can’t sing________.

(2)T: They can sing ‘In the classroom’ and ‘Colour song’.

They can’t sing ‘We can sing and dance’. Do you know ”dance”

带读dance, sing and dance

T: Oh, they can sing ‘in the classroom’. Can you sing it too? Let’s sing ‘In the classroom’ first. Do you understand?

(3) 课件出示句子:Let’s sing’In the classroom’ first. 并出示中文意思

(4) 带读句子,分组邀请对方读

(5) Sing the song: In the classroom

4. T: We know they can sing ’in the classroom’. How about Ben? Can Ben sing ‘In the classroom’? What can Ben do? Let’s listen to it

(1) Watch it and answer the questions

(No, he can’t. He can play the violin.)

(2) Read Part 1 after the tape

(3) Read by groups

(4) Work in four and try to be the best Mr Green

C. Part 2

T: Boys and girls, can you sing the song “We can sing and dance”? Now, let’s follow Mr Green. Try to learn this song, OK?

1. 课件出示: Learn the song 学这首歌


T: Are you ready? Let’s go. Let’s start. Do you know “start”?

2. 课件出示: Let’s start. 让我们开始吧!

T: Follow me, please.

T: OK, now let’s start.

3. Watch it and try to say What the orders are.

Mr Green分了哪几个步骤教他们的?

Listen to the song

Follow me.

Let’s sing it together.

(1) Read after the teacher

(2) Listen to—lesson 注意两词之间发音的区别

(3) Follow

(4) Together

(5) (2)教师带读指令,指名请学生读一读,看谁读的最像老师

(6) (3)Read Part 2 after the tape

(7) (4)一学生读Mr Green, 其余学生读学生的话。看看谁读的最好。

D. Sing the song.

OK. Now let’s learn the song ‘We can sing and dance’ like this. First, listen to the song, please.

1. Listen to the song and complete the song words

(1) T: Let’s begin. means Let’s start. Read after me: begin, start

T: Now, follow me, please. 带读歌词

T: Can you sing it now?

T: Yes. Let’s sing it together.

(2) Sing after it

(3) Sing it together

Step3 Consolidation

1. Read the whole dialogue after the tape

2. T: OK. We had a Music lesson with Mr Green. I think you can read and try to complete it.

The students ______ sing ‘In the classroom’ and ‘Colour song’. But they ______ sing ‘We can sing and dance’. They ______ how to sing it. They listen to the ______ first, ______ Mr Green and sing it__________. They can sing the song now.

T: OK. Let’s check out the answers.请你来核对答案吧!

3. Say it together

六、 教学板书设计

Unit 3 At a Music lesson(A H)

Can you?? Let’s start.

Yes, I can./No, I can’t. learn the song

What can you do? listen to the song

I/We can? follow me

sing it together

七、 教学评析



本课课文中的对话也是师生对话,让学生来当Mr Green,满足他们当小老师的欲望,朗读也不会显得无趣。




篇三:牛津小学英语5A UNIT 2 A NEW HOUSE


5.会诵读歌谣do you like my house?


让学生学习有关“家庭设施”方面的词汇以及there be句型,能够使用表示方位的介词来准确的描述场景设施,使语言更加丰富。



2.本课的学习要和学生的生活实际相结合,学完本课,学生对家庭设施有了更多的了解。 单元课时安排:四课时

the first period(第一课时):


1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写behind, , under, a door, a bed, a telephone, a lamp. there’s / there isn’t a / an ? there are some / aren’t any ?

3. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语here is a /an ?for you. here are some ? for you.


正确使用五个介词。in, on, under, behind, near。


能正确地使用否定句there isn’t?.there aren’t ?,及正确使用any






step1: revision

2.free talk. 师生交流

s: there’s a box??..

1. 教师利用实物作道具,边示范边说介词,如:

the toy rabbit is in the box ./on the box /under the box/ near the box/ behind the box?

3. game: 教师随意摆玩具兔的位置,让一学生转过身去看不到,猜测它的位置,is it in the box ?/s it behind the box??.让全班学生回答:yes /no。

s2: there’s a / an ?

there are some?.

s: there isn’t a lamp on the desk.

s1 将冰箱的图片贴在图中响应的位置。


2学生二或三人一组用自己准备的图片说说、摆摆 布置房间,并且编成对话练习。 3 教师巡视全班,帮助有困难的学生。

4 教师请几组上台表演。(教师帮助用实物投影仪放大学生的图片)

2. 用自己的居室图编新对话。


there’s a / an ?

there isn’t a / an ?

there are some / aren’t any ?

there aren’t any ?

一、教学内容:part a


1. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话







2.准备ying ling新居的多媒体课件




设计情景,有外宾参观我们学校,选几名学生做小导游,用there be句型介绍学校的情况。 选出优秀的小导游并奖励。

step2: presentation

1.今天我们去参观yang ling的新家,老师来当解说员,电脑屏幕显示书中第一幅图,介绍背景。


2.电脑屏幕显示放大的yang ling家的新居

3. 借助电脑屏幕,让学生上来指着屏幕上的图并描述新居的情况,如:

让学生试着说这句话,或分句描述。(注意:当there be后面紧跟单数名词时,be动词常用单数形式。)


yes, there is./no,there isn’t.

are there any bedrooms/reading rooms in it?

yes, there are./no,there aren’t.

step3: read and say

2. read the dialogue. 学生自读对话,教师巡视并给予个别辅导。

3. 学生分角色朗读对话。


listen to the tape and read after the tape.



the third period(第三课时)

一、教学内容:part e,parth




4. say a rhyme“do you like my house?”






step1:sing “do you like my house?”

step2:free talk and revision

1) greetings.

3) read the text together.

s: there is a toy dog in the box.

s: there are some pens under the book.

step4:learn e

4) read part e by yourselves and try to understand.


there’s a / an ?

there are some / aren’t any ?

the fourth period (第四课时)

一、教学内容:part f,partg



2.熟练掌握会说、会读、会写句型:there isn’t a/an?there aren’t any?



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