2016-10-25 17:29:16

第一部分外文翻译 On the computer-aided industrial design in human-computer interaction
Paper Keywords: Computer-Aided Industrial Design Industrial Design Human-Computer Interaction
Abstract: Computer-aided industrial design is the future direction of industrial design, industrial design and this article from the general meaning of computer aided industrial design starting to explore the application of computer-aided industrial design, focusing on computer-aided design of human-computer interaction, and it made the prospect. Industrial design is a comprehensive discipline, their knowledge systems, including mathematics, physics, materials science, engineering, electronics, mechanics, color science, psychology, aesthetics, communication and ethics, etc. It is to promote economic development to improve people's lifestyle has played an important role. But what is industrial design, has different opinions. 2006 International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID definition given that: Design is a creative activity, which aims to establish multi-dimensional quality products, processes, services and systems throughout the life cycle, so the design is the core of human innovation science and technology factors, but also the vital cultural and economic exchange factors of industrial design task is to structure, organization, function, expression and the discovery and evaluation of
economic relations, mainly in:
(1 To Enhance Global Sustainable Development And Environmental Protection,
(2 To Give The Whole Of Human Society, Individual And Collective Interests And To Freedom
(3 Decided To Users, Producers And The Market Leader, (4 Regardless Of How The World Of Globalization, Supporting Cultural Diversity;
(5 to the products, services, systems and their characteristics in the form of (symbolic, semantic meaning of the expression of co-ordination with the (aesthetic, aesthetic consistency.
Nearly five decades has been the rapid development of industrial design, especially on the computer and communications technology as the representative of the digital information era, the industrial design to further promote the development of computer-aided industrial design in a new look into the business, changing The traditional corporate R & D process.
A Computer-Aided Industrial Design
1960s, with the founder of the theory of computer graphics, computer-aided design (CAD came into being. Followed by hardware and software constantly updated and the urgent need of modern industry, so the introduction of computer-aided design of industrial design, has become a necessity. the rapid development of industry, market changing, upgrading of
products more quickly, in order to gain a competitive victory, companies need to shorten product development cycles, better market information, the traditional means of product development can not meet this needs, with computer-aided industrial design (CAID technology can more easily meet this demand.
CAID, computer and systems integration that is related to high technology, ancillary products (works and services industrial design technology, modern design, its technical principles are the best features of the designer, creative thinking, experience, knowledge, comprehensive evaluation and decision-making capacity , imagination, aesthetic abilities, strong computer memory, information retrieval capabilities, vast amounts of information and accurate calculation of high-speed processing capability, easy to modify the design, virtual reality displays, art rendering, a certain degree of artificial intelligence, working condition is stable and will not fatigue and other features combine to enhance the design speed and efficiency, shorten design cycles and ensure the design quality and reduce design costs.Two, CAID Applications
CAID applications is mainly based on the digital platform, the use of CAID, companies can greatly shorten product development cycles, reduce product development costs, while ensuring product quality, and thus enhance their market competitiveness. CAID to scientific thinking and art thinking together, the invention of science into the art of thinking, to make the product look and feel more human, scientific thought into the art of thinking, you can ensure that the product form and function of the United States to explore the beauty of a scientific basis.
1, computer-aided design patterns Computer-aided shape design is the use of computer hardware and software, through morphological changes, split ratio and other methods in accordance with the laws of formal beauty to explore the shape of the product in order to obtain functional layout is reasonable, humane operation of the technology the United States at this stage, the designer will often to explore the shape of the product in order to get a good product form, which necessarily requires designers often have to modify the product form. CAID parametric functions, easy to repeatedly modify the size, line, etc., with a strong surface modeling capabilities to quickly sketch-based three-dimensional modeling.
2, computer-aided color design
The importance of color for the product is self-evident, different groups and geographical understanding of color is not the same, so the designer according to the different target groups in particular the use of scenarios to use a specific color, while the specific form of products, but also requires a specific color in order to more perfectly demonstrate product features. computer-aided design software in general has a powerful color editor and color picker feature, which allows designers to easily select a color, and thus improve the design division of work efficiency, but also easier on the color changes. addition, the color of the database software can be updated from time to time to ensure that the design of the times, fashion.
3, computer-aided design of human-computer
Ergonomics is the study of the major tasks when the user right to use the product measure of the relationship, mode of operation, and the use of physiological responses and psychological feelings. Its fundamental purpose is through the 'man - machine - environment' interaction research, and create a most reasonable
'man - machine - environment' system. Man-machine design quality will directly affect the product performance and user safety, good human-computer performance will help design the best play, improve production efficiency, on the contrary, would threaten the health of users, to users operating with an inconvenience, reduce productivity and reduce the overall performance of the product man-machine environment. With the development of computer-aided technology to representatives of the three-dimensional CAD for the design of digital technology has become an important means to improve competitiveness, and thus the emergence of 'digital people machine engineering 'concept, that the use of computer, information processing technology, the use of computer-aided design software, human-machine design and evaluation of human-machine systems, such as sports body model, which can be used to simulate the motion characteristics of the human body, in film and television, engineering, military with a wide range of applications, mainly used in the field of ergonomic posture and movement analysis.4, computer-aided design evaluation With the CAID of design evaluation is to improve the design quality is an important part. As a result, can determine the value of the various options to determine its strengths and weaknesses in order to filter out the best design. Evaluation tools emerge, allowing the design and evaluation methods have a stronger operational principles such as the use of computers for product evaluation and analysis of aesthetics, which is a prominent CIAD to evaluate the case. 'artistic beauty of the computer evaluation system is essentially an intelligent expert system, knowledge base in the system concentrated on the
随着计算机以及控制技术的发展,传统的工业控制技术已经逐渐地被智能控制技术所替代,智能化工业控制系统的发展为工业领域的发展提供了最强的技术保证,是推动企业持续创新发展的有效途径。中国是全球人机界面需求量最大的市场,但却不是全球人机界面产品销售额最高的市场。国内的自动化产业,一些原本不用人机界面的行业,也开始使用人机界面了,这说明人机界面已经成为客户体验的不可缺少的一部分,人机界面的用户界面能更好地反映出设备和流程的状态,并通过视觉和触摸的效果,带给客户更直观的感受。 有些机械行业,比如说机床、纺织机械、
传统的工业自动化控制系统主要包括3个层次,分别是设备层(device layer)、控制层(control layer)、以及信息层(information layer)。设备层的功能是将现场设备以网络节点的形式挂接在现场总线网络上,依照现场总线的协议标准,设备采用功能模块的结构,通过组态设计,完成数据撷取、A/D转换、数字滤波、温度压力补偿、PID控制等各种功能;控制层是自动化的基础,从现场设备中获取数据,完成各种控制、运行参数的监测、警报和趋势分析等功能,控制层的功能一般由工业计算机或PLC等控制器完成,这些控制器具备网络能力以协调网络节点之间的数据通信,同时也实现现场总线网段与以太网段的连接;第三层信息层提供实现远程控制的平台,并连接到企业自动化系统,同时从控制层提取有关生产数据用于制定综合管理决策。
泛在感知网络技术 泛在制造信息处理技术 虚拟现实技术 人机交互技术 空间协同技术 平行管理技术 电子商务技术 系统集成制造技术
工业用传感器 工业无线网络技术 工业过程建模
1 计算机的发明无疑是人类最伟大的发明之一,它改交了你、改变了我,改变了我们身边许许多多可以触及的事物。计算机作为一个辅助设计的工具,它同时也改变了设计。与以往的手会图画设计(未曾使用计算机之前)相比,计算机辅助设计确实有许多优点,它对设计的重要性是不言而喻的,然而和任何事物都具两面性一样,计算机辅助设计也暴露出许多弊端。本文将在实践教学的基础上来谈谈计算机给工业设计教学带来的不良影响,及如何优化计算机辅助设计类课程的教学,充分发挥计算机辅助设计的优势,为设计所用。2 计算机辅助设计软件所产生的现实作用及未来意义改变和冲击了设计师和工程开发服务人员的技能方式、思维观念,以及传统产品从创意设计到样机试制批量生产等等的诸多模式.从我校相关专业毕业生的就职情况,计算机辅助设计软件应用能力的确是用人单位的一个重要尺码.通过对计算机辅助设计软件的特点和市场对本科生相关需求的分析,本文在,(1)分析及阐述计算机辅助设计软件的人机交互理念,引学生入门;(2)通过典型综合性案例的强化训练,学生打下扎实的基本功;(3)侧重融会贯通、交叉渗透的教学方法,学生掌握熟能生巧、驾轻就熟的本领;(4)倡导鼓励自学和二次开发,能力更上层次等方面,介绍了我校工业设计专业在教学工作中的特色探讨和实践收获,为进一步开展计算机辅助设计类课程的教学改革打下基础.
3 计算机辅助设计引起了工业设计行业的变革,也对工业设计教育提出了更高的要求。计算机辅助设计在工业设计的流程数据管理,产品效果表现以及计算机辅助模型制作中发挥了工具化的作用。在应用过程中,促进了其自身的发展和工业设计理念的发展。
4 在工业设计进行的流程中,计算机辅助设计悄然的穿插在每一个相对独立的主题活动之中.从一个完整的设计流程审视,计算机辅助设计的作用显而易见.它在设计流程数据管理,产品效果表现以及计算机辅助模型制作等广泛应用,发挥了工具化的作用.在应用过程中,促进了其自身的发展和工业设计的发展.
5 计算机辅助工业设计(CAID)是采用计算机进行设计的CAD(Computer Aided Design)的一种,特别是指能够进行包含设计的系统。普通的CAD工具主要是用来进行制作产品内部零部件设计图的制图等,而CAID工具主要着眼点开发设计全体的形状和外观。它装载了面向工业设计的建模功能,以及绘制完整图象的功能等。
6 2什么是CAID系统
计算机被普遍应用于工业设计之中,CAD成为工业设计不可缺少的手段。当前,世界上大型的CAD/CAM/CAE软件系统如Pro/Engineer、EDS UnigraPhics、EUCLID、Autodesk、Solidworks等都提供了有关产品早期设计的系统模块,它们称之为工业设计模块、概念设计模块或草图设计模块。
Pro/Engineer Pro/Engineer包含一个工业设计模块Pro/Design,用于支持自上而下
EDS Unigraphics EDS Unigraphics从V13版本后推出了概念设计WAVE(Whatif Alternative Value Engineering)技术,它为协同概念设计提供了强大的技术支持,使不同部门的工程师在设计的早期阶段就可以站在系统工程的角度,同时针对多种可选的设(Associative Control Structure)中去,可使设计师十分有效地控制各种设计变更。此外,WAVE也支持"概念设计到详细设计工程"(Conceptto Detail Engineering),即先作出设计决策 ,然后设计细节。
Internet Intranet环境下的工业设计系统的研究,国内还主要在一些高校和科研院所进行。香港大学机械系在Internet上构建了一个基于Web的远程设计系统,用于花瓶的造型设计,西安交通大学CIMS研究所构建了一个远程协同工作原型系统,解决远程设计用户共享设计工具的问题,它可以通过Internet让远程用户使用研究所的Solidwork、ProE、MDT等专业设计平台。四川大学CAD/CAM研究所构建了凸轮远程协同设计系统,让用户能够通过Internet对凸轮运动机构的轮廓面进行设计,此系统发布在四川大学制造学院的网站上。但这些系统距离实用化都还有一定的距离。
《 浅谈计算机辅助工业设计中的人机交互》出自:百味书屋链接地址:http://m.850500.com/news/10553.html 转载请保 留,谢谢!
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