2017-04-12 06:44:25

国旗下讲话稿:《爱我校园 从我做起》
可是近来,同学们,你们是否感受到: 墙面在愤怒,桌椅在哭泣,地板在抗议!因为在我们的校园里,有个别同学乱扔垃圾,涂鸦墙壁,刻划桌椅;这些不文明行为与我们美丽洁净充满和谐人文氛围的校园环境是极不相称的。
三、提倡“弯腰精神”,随时拾起地面上的点滴垃圾,扔进垃圾筒 里,确保地面的干净。
五、自觉与不文明行为说再见,与不文明行为作斗争,成为保护 环境的卫士。
来吧!各位老师、同学们,让我们从点滴做起,从现在做起,爱护 校园环境,自我约束,相互检查,拾起一片垃圾,留下一方洁净。让我们共创时代新风!
Scene:a FM radio episode
Actors: Monica (the radio presenter) ------俞滢
Clara(audience 1 )------刘露
Alfie(audience 2) ------刘露
Topic:On Monday, 8th April, 2013, a 17-year-old highschool boy expressed his adoration to a girl during his speech under the national flag raising ceremony, and acclaimed that he would take responsibility for that girl’s future, and the students applaud for him.
Two kinds of opinions: agree with the boy vs. Disagree with the boy
M: Good morning everybody! Welcome back to Top Radio FM 101! I’m ur favorite hostess Mooooooooonica!All right, today in our Micro-blog Chatting Part, let’s chat something happened on last Monday, 8th April. Well, it’s not a big deal to you, just another ordinary day in your life, but not to a 17-year-old highschool boy from Xi’an. He said to a girl that he liked her so much and he’d like to take responsibility for her future!
Well, that’s also seemed not a big deal, however, he acclaimed this during his speech under the national flag! Now you see what’s going on? All sorts of comments flooding on Weibo. Some said “Hey, boy, you are under our Five-Star Red Flag! Show some respect to your mother country!” Some said “Go you brave boy, go! I would never have missed my Princess Charming in highschool if I had half of your courage. T^T”. So, what’s your opinion? You know my hot line: 1010101! First audience who call in will get a picture of me with my personal signature on it! What are you waiting for?!
(the ring rang.............................................) Okay, here’s our first lucky caller! Hello there, what’s your name?
C: 我的中文名是***,英文名是Clara
M: OK,good morning Clara. So, anything to say to that boy or our audience?
C: 我觉得这样的学生就该开除!这孩子电视剧看多了吧!不好好读书,脑子里尽想着谈恋爱,能学到什么东西啊?还在国旗下讲话的时候做出这种事情,让父母颜面何在?让那个被表白的女孩子以后怎么在学校安心学习?真没出息!
M:Well, it is true that nothing is more important than study as a high school student. And there are quite a number of our
audiences criticised him for his naive. But, the boy said in his Weibo after this happened that he felt guilty when he saw his father crying for this. And he also appealed to his classmates don’t ever do such stupid thing like himself. So what’s your comment about his confession?
C: 事后诸葛亮有什么用呢?他要是真正的成熟真正的考虑到父母的感受当初就不会做出这种傻事来!他只考虑表达自己的感受,完全不管那个女生的心情,口口声声说要对她的未来负责,这是对她的未来负责吗!?又亵渎了国旗又伤害了学校声誉又伤害了家长又伤害了那个女孩,谈什么负责任!(情绪激动中!!!)
M:All right, Clara, calm down. Thank you for calling and your comment. Waiting for my signatured picture, Bye~
(the ring rang again)
Okay, welcome our next audience.(Hope never hear that crazy voice nay more-.-). What’s your name ?
A:主持人好,大家好,我叫Alfie。我想对这个男孩子说,加油,因为你,我又开始相信爱情了。人不轻狂枉少年,当老了的时候,回首往事,原来还有一件这么骄傲的事情可以回忆, 多美好。正值青春,不去做你想做的事情,以后后悔都来不及、以后的负担远比现在的大,你敢说你至今没有什么事情后悔的么?我还想说,在学校没有认错之前,坚决不要上学,因为你没有做错。打破传统观念,需要的就是这样的勇气,哈哈,这行为真心赞,以后要是我家儿子这么做,绝对鼓
M:Well, yeah. Personally I agree more with Alfie. You can only live once after all. And what’s more, we learn from the boy’s elder sister that after her negotiations with the school they agreed not to kick the boy out finally. This detail indicates some problems in our national education I think. After all, he is just an adolescent, he should be forgiven and educated properly.
C: 是的,这个学校一开始的做法的确有欠妥当, 教育不是三令五申,不是条条框框,而是言传身教,循循善诱,直达学生心灵深处才对。M:Okay,thank you, Alfie. At the end of today’s Micro-blog Chatting Part, I’d like to share a story about a famous educational scholar——Tao Xingzhi. One day, he saw a boy bullying his classmate with a brick. He stopped him and asked him to go to his office after school. When that time came Tao found that the boy was already in his office before him. So Tao picked a candy out from his pocket to the boy and said: “This is for your punctuality.”Then he picked another candy to the surprised boy said: “This is for your respect to me. You stopped kick your classmate immediately when I asked you.”
“And this,” Tao gave him the third candy, “ is for your integrity. After talking to the other boy I learned that you beat him because he mistreated a girl of your class.” The boy choked with sobs: “ I know I was wrong, sir. Anyway, I shouldn’t hit that boy with a brock. That’s stupid.” “And, this, is for your honesty. And it’s the end of the conversation.”
A good story, hum? Hope our educator nowadays learn something form Tao.
All right, thank you for your listening. See you next week~ remember our hot line: 1010101!~have a nice day ~bye bye ~
《 国旗下表白》出自:百味书屋链接地址:http://m.850500.com/news/125994.html 转载请保 留,谢谢!
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