百味书屋 导航


来源网站:百味书屋 2017-04-10 05:48:57



1. 课堂指令用语及活动用语:

Good morning boys and girls! Let’s start our new lesson

Look at the picture, what can you see? There are…

Now look at the blackboard.

Do you wan to know….

Let’s move to 1a. or the next part..

Let’s see the picture in our text book.

Pair-work for you, make a dialogue with your deskmates, one begins ―can you play…‖,the other answers: ―yes, I can, no, I can’t‖, let’s see which group is the best? Five minutes for you!

Now,class/ boys and girls, group work for you, four or five in a group, listen to the tape and answer one question---how many ways are referred in these two conversations? Are you clear?

what does your classmate say? I’ll ask you some questions, or I will ask you to retell what your classmate says?


Listen for the first time and find out: how many…

Listen again try to fill in the blanks

Can you guess what will you hear in the listening?

Listen to the tape and repeat after it

Read it quickly and silently and find out the main idea about this passage. Or answer 1question

Read again and try to do task in 3b

Listen and repeat after the tape ,pay attention to….

When you read ,don’t look up the new words in dictionary, guess them by the neighbor words.

Don’t point to the line as you read, don’t speak out the words, don’ look back when you don’t understand, just move on.

Move your sight as quickly as you can, just focus on the first sentence in each paragraph, you will get the main idea more quickly and clearly.

2. 提问及订正答案: Have you got it? It’s show time; now stop here, let’s see which group is the best. Let’s

see you answers.

3. 评价语:good, well done! Wonderful!/ excellent! Clever boys and girls! You got it! That’s right! Now

listen again and write down the ways to get to school./ now listen and repeat/ listen carefully and fill in the form!

4. 结课语: good ,since you have learned so much from this class,passage, I’m very proud of you! And really enjoyed the class, see you .boys and girls!

5.小组合作中,show 环节:为了让其他学生认真听讲,教师可以在show 之前提出要求:what does your classmate say? I’ll ask you some questions, or I will ask you to retell what your classmate says?

6. 听力活动前,教师要引导学生理解情境,猜测听力内容,产生听的内驱力,减轻听力负担:

Look! A teacher wants some students for the school concert. She is asking some students what they can do? Can you guess which words will be referred in it?

7.. 描述听力任务:The teacher is talking to three students, bill, cindy, and Frank. What can’t he do? How about cindy and Frank?




1. 先导入话题再导入知识 即首先启动学生的知识背景,调动学生的学习兴趣为课程的顺利开展服务!

2. 先有语言输入再进行语言输出!语言输入以学生的已有知识为基础进行扩展。以具体语境为教学


3. 语言输入多以控制性活动为主,而语言输出多以半控制性,开放性活动为主

4. 课堂教学以学生为主体,教师起解疑,引导作用。引导学生主动发现知识,解答问题!指令语简


5. 教学环节注重学生的说和写,听为说服务,读为写服务。听读活动以回答问题,产出知识为导向。

6. 教学模式以合作教学,小组讨论,角色扮演为主要形式。在听力活动和阅读活动后要有必要的

pair-work ,group-work! 两者即可以作为语言输入服务,也是语言输出的表现形式!

7. 导入环节的目标导向:引入话题,激活学生已有知识,激发学习兴趣,并引出重点句型和部分新


8. 课堂重点在语言输入和语言输出环节上。听说课的处理重点是2c,即 听力活动!小阅读课的终点


9. 导入课题的形式是Q and A, 引发学生对相关话题的讨论。手段可以是师生对话,pair-work, 看


10. 导入新单词,新短语后要有练习,要有跟读!

11. 在听力活动前,要进行信息处理,让学生对图片进行信息描述,即听前预测!

12. 小阅读课 读课文前要利用图片或语境让学生熟悉相关词汇和短语,进行读前预热,并设置问题,


13. 大阅读的课文,要以问题形式引发学生对话题的思考和讨论。并尽可能在导入环节引出较难的词




步骤 1. 查阅P 19—20 页 单词并在课文中标记出来:

步骤2. 翻阅前后相邻单元的语法点,主要知识点;对教材进行水平定位

步骤 3 熟悉教材内容,主要对话,课文及主要的设计活动!

步骤4 开始设计




Unit 4 How do you get to school?

Section A 1a—2d

(一) Warm up and lead-in

Look at the blackboard, what’s this . a bus. I get to school by bus,

Ride a bike, on foot.

Lead in Then let’s talk about how to get to school. now look at the picture and make a list of ways to get to school. Ok, let’s see together, some.. walk to school, some…take the bus and take the subway.

Explain : subway.

Read the new expressions together.

(二) Pair- work

Good! Now pair work for you. Ask your deskmate how does she or he get to school, with these expressions. One begins: how does…the other answers: I take the train. ok , let’s see your work.

Good please listen carefully class, I will ask you to ask you question after their performance!

(三) Listening

Let’s listen to the tape and do the task 1b. deal with the picture.

Ok, now some students still have difficulties, let’s listen again, try to focus on the name and the ways.

Let’s listen and repeat after the tape.

Let listen some numbers and repeat

Then let move to2c. now we can see there are five ways. What are they? So can you guess what will be referred in 2c? so listen for first time, Q1: how many transportation do you hear?

Listen again, try to check the transportation you hear in the two conversations?

(四) Role-play

Now let read 2d , work in pairs. Good, which pair want to read for us? Let make a new dialogue according to the form! Let’s see which pair is the best!

(五) Group work

Then since we know how to talk about ways to get places. Then do you want to how does your own classmate get to school? Now work in five or four ,try to fill the blank again . and make a new dialgue, let’s see which group is the best!

(六) Homework: write a short report about the ways of your classmate to get to school. and times they

take. Clear?

(七) 板书设计:

简笔画 2. Pair work 4. Role-play

By bushow do you get to school

Take the bus I take the bus 5.group work

By train 3. listening

Take the train

Take the subway


Unit4section B 3a—4

How do students around the world get to school?

(一) Warm up and lead in

How do get school? And how long does it take?

How far is it from your home to school? Then how do the students in big cities get to school?

Then in the text, there is a student called lin fei, do you want to know how does he get to

school ?

(二) Fast- reading Answer

So first read the quickly and find out : how many ways are referred in this passage?

(三) Careful- reading

Now read again and answer two questions: how far is it from linfei’home to school? And how

long does it take linfei to get from home to school

Read it loudly and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation

(四) After-reading

Now pairwork for you, look at 3b, read the dialogue in pairs . and choose one picture to make

a new dialogue!

(五) Group work

Make a survey with a chart in 4. Try to ask your classmates three questions and get the

information you need to fill the chart. They are: how and how long ,how far

(六) Homework

Write a short report about your survey!

(七) 板书设计

Take the subway 2. Fast—reading4. Pair work

Ride the bicycle3. Careful-reading 5. Group work

By train,



She said helping others changed her life.

(一) Warm up and lead in

Boys and girls, good morning, let’s have our new lesson. now

Q1: Do you often help others?

Q 2: what kind of people do you think we should help? Now some said we should help old people, we should help our parents and friends. Leading-in new words : And do you thing we should help poor people? then what does poor mean?

Then since all of you have helped others, are you paid or have you gotten money from them? No. then you are volunteers, Then what does volunteer mean? So volunteer means

图片信息处理: so let’s go to learn P32 now look at the picture, what can you see? Do you think they need help? So do you want to what did lilei do for them? Good, now let’s move to the next part, fast-reading.

(二) Fast –reading

let’s read the words first,

Now first read it quickly and try to put the words into the right space.

阅读策略的传授: when you read it , do not speak out the words, move your sight as quickly as you can, don’t use your figure to point to every line.

Then ok, let’s see the answers. The first blank, well done!

(三) Careful reading

Now read the para1 carefully, answer 1 question: who is yang lei? Or what do you know about her?

Read the para 2and 3 carefully and try to fill the chart in 3a , explain the chart and what should the student do. 比较生活:我们应该珍惜。

Read para 4 and answer the Q3 and Q 4 in 3b.

(四) Read the passage loudly

(五) Listen and repeat ,pay attention to your pronunciation

(六) Discussion

Group work for you: have a discussion: Do you think yanglei have changed the students’life? What do you learn from this passage?

(七) Writing : now do you want to be a volunteer? There are several topics ,choose one and give your

own opinion?

(八) 板书设计

Poor 1. Fast-reading3. Read and listen 5. writing Volunteer 2. Careful-reading 4. discussion

Now read the para1 carefully, answer 1 question: who is yang lei? Or what do you know about her?

(九) Read para2 and para 3 and try to fill a map on the Black board

(十) Life

(十一) Food time to up, study

(十二) Simple life

(十三) Read para 2 and para 3 again and try to find the opinion of yanglei’s parents and students (十四) Idea

(十五) Students’ parents’her

(十六) Now do you want to know her own opinion? Now read the l para4 and try to finish the map (十七) Then what changes took place to yanglei’s life? Read last para






本堂课就让我们一起进入朋友这个话题吧!首先,我们先来看一看视频里的两位同学,他们喜欢和什么样的人交朋友吧!板书 朋友













其实,与朋友相处时,朋友就如同一面镜子,当你对他态度不好时,她会伤心,当你对他友善时,他会开心,那么同学们 我们以后要怎么对待我们的朋友呢


板书 尊重 沟通 分享 互助











唯物论(世界是什么、世界的本源是什么、物质和意识的关系) 辩证法(联系的、发展的、运动的观点,感性认识和理性认识) 认识论(实践和认识的辩证关系)



一 哲学的概念




二 哲学的基本问题(单选题)


1. 思维和存在何者为第一性的问题 (区分唯物主义和唯心主义)

2. (例题多选):哲学的基本问题即思维和存在的关系问题,应包括,物质和意识(BD)

A. 谁具永恒性,谁具可变性B.谁是第一性,谁是第二性

B. 是否具有统一性 D是否具有相似性


1. 唯物主义和唯心主义

唯物主义(发展历程、不同类型) 古代朴素唯物主义:(凯罗斯:水;将金木水火土当作世界的本源) 近代形而上学唯物主义:(以孤立的、静止的、片面的观点看问题)(易经:形而上者谓之道,形而下者谓之器)认为世界的变化发展只是简单的数量的增减,并不会发生质变,又叫做机械唯物主义) 庸俗唯物主义:(人脑产生意识相当于肝脏分泌胆汁) 辩证唯物主义:(马恩对费尔巴哈唯物主义和黑格尔辩证法的吸收和汲取,辩证唯物主义主张用全面的、发展的、运动的观点看问题)

唯心主义 主观唯心主义:将人的某种主观精神当作世界的本源(人有多大胆,地有多大产) 孟子:万物皆备于我

庄子:万物与我为我 陆九渊:宇宙便是吾心,吾心即是宇宙 王阳明:心外无物、心外无理、心外无事


笛卡尔:我思故我在 贝克莱:存在即是被感知

客观唯心主义:将某种客观精神当作世界的本源 老子:“道” 朱熹:理在事先 黑格尔:世界是绝对观念的异化

世界是上帝意志的创造物 存在即合理


(例题单选)我国明代哲学家王守仁认为“心外无物”,月亮、太阳以及世界上的万事万物都存在于人心之中,都是心之意念的产物。这是( B )的思想。

A 客观唯心主义 B主观唯心主义

C机械唯物主义 D庸俗唯物主义

2. 辩证法和形而上学

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