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来源网站:百味书屋 2016-10-19 13:26:38


10-11学年度第426期7版Quiz time答案:



D1 1-4 CDCB


1. The mobile phone/The cell phone/The mobile.

2. Russia and Singapore.


1) One gives its user safety, security and instant access to information.

2) One changes the nature of a relationship.

3) One can be used as an alarm clock and a camera and to play games.

4. 很多人从未不带手机出门, 而且如果让他们选择的话,他们宁愿丢掉钱包也不愿丢掉手机。

D3 1-5 DDCBA

D4 1-4 CDBA

D5 1-5 DCADA 6-10 ABABC 11-15 DAABA 16-20 BACDD



1. C. 根据文章最后一句If you push a kid to do well, and they’re good at it, they benefit. It’s good to have high expectations.” 可知,Amy Chua的支持者们认为父母对于孩子的期望高是又好处的。

2. D. sympathize是“表示同情”的意思。

3. C. 文中提到Children need parents who can guide them, not force them to do things they’re probably not interested in. 所以Jeffrey Seinfeld认为父母在教育孩子的时候要认真考虑孩子的需求。

4. B. 纵观全文,主要讲述了Amy Chua的书所引发的关于严厉管教孩子的教育方式的激烈辩论。


1. D. 文章开头列举了母女的事例,之后开始介绍深度阅读的内容,可见事例的使用是为了引出话题。

2. D. 文章提到Instant messages and 140-character tweets appear to be reducing our ability to concentrate on a single idea or theme in a book,

he told Foreign Policy Magazine.

3. C. 根据前文的内容,可知it指的是slowing reading。

4. B. 文中提到深度阅读有利于提高人们的写作和交流能力,丰富人们的知识。但没有说可以改善家人之间的关系。

5. A. 纵观全文,主要介绍了深度阅读的概念,重点分析了深度阅读给人们带来的益处。


1. C。细节题,根据第一段“Little did they know how true that would become”可知答案为C。

2. D。细节题,根据第四段最后一句“The same tenacity (坚韧) that served me so well in ski racing helped me survive my second fight with cancer.”可知。

3. B。事实推断题,只有B项完全正确,根据倒数第三段my male side…my female side推断作者既有男性的刚强又有女性的爱心。

4. A。作者意图题,根据文章倒数第二段可推知。


1. D. 有文意可知作者由于下雨而没有去上学,后文老师打来电话询问也是佐证。

2. C. 后文提到作者很紧张,这说明作者认出了打电话的人是老师。所以用recognize表示“认出”的意思。

3. A. absence表示“缺席”的意思。

4. D. 老师因为天气不好,所以担心学生上学路上会发生以外。

5. A. might have done表示过去有可能发生的事情。

6. A. now that表示“既然”的意思。

7. B. 作者听到老师这么说很惊讶,从后文内容可知作者时常为难老师,反过来老师这样关心他让他很意外。

8. A. 根据上文解释可以推测作者此刻心情很复杂。

9. B. show concern for sb表示关心某人的意思。

10. C. 前后两句是转折关系,尽管我对老师不好,老师却关心我。所以用even though表示尽管的意思。

11. D. 作者之前从未考虑过如何尊敬老师,反倒是老是给老师添麻烦。

12. A. 这里举的例子是讲作者曾经怀疑老师的答案是否正确。

13. A. for表示对于的意思。

14. B. drive sb to do sth表示驱使某人作某事的意思。

15. A. Since表示“既然”的意思。

16. B. 虽然我对老师不尊敬,但是正是老师的努力让我能够独立思考和成长。

17. A. 此处作者越是反思,心中的内疚和悔恨就越强烈。

18. C. 老师能够see past my fault不在意我的过错,那我当然也能够接受老师犯的一些小错误。

19. D. 后面提到作者在课堂上努力抓住机会练习,这说明他通过反思悔悟了自己的行为,在课堂上表现积极起来。

20. D. 根据全文内容可知,正是老师的宽容让作者挥舞,消除了师生之间的误会和隔阂。

10-11学年度第427期7版Quiz time答案:



D1 1-5 DADDA


1. The risk that the pancakes may land on the floor.


1) Toss pancakes.

2) Use up all the foods in the house that couldn’t be saved during Lent.

3) Take part in pancake races.

3. Members of the Houses of Commons, Lords and the press join in it.

4. 按照传统,厨师会不再那么小心翼翼,而是将煎饼抛起来。

D3 1-5 DDBC

D4 1-4 CABC

D5 1-5 ABADC 6-10 CBDCC



1. D. 根据第一段里面提到的THE bright eyes turned dull and blank, quickly becoming uninterested because I could not properly answer any of their questions. 由此可以推断学生对于作者的教学并不满意。所以他们很快失去了兴趣。注意文中提到作者因为尴尬而脸红,觉得自己没有准备好,能力不足。这


2. A. draw a blank表示“头脑里一片空白,不知所措”的意思。

3. D. 根据原文I wrote my lesson plan as I was supposed to, learning briefly and vaguely from the book.可知作者并没有很仔细的准备,更没有完全掌握教学内容。

4. D. 根据文意可以看出,作者通过教学活动,自己的水平也得到了很大的提高,学到了很多内容。这其实是中文里的“教学相长”的意思。

5. A. 纵观全文,主要讲述了作者作为学生在数学课上客串老师,并获得了很大的收获的故事。


1. D. 文章开头就明确提出了流浪狗威胁野生生物的观点。

2. D. 文章提到In another case, Young found that dogs,not wolves, as originally suspected were responsible for a large number of livestock killings in the mountainous Basque country between Spain and France. 可知人们曾经以为狼群导致了西班牙与法国交界处的巴斯克山区牲畜的大量死亡。

3. B. 文章提到They include public dog-training programs and vaccinating (预防接种) dogs against rabies and other illnesses.

4. C. 纵观全文,主要讲述了流浪狗的危害以及可能的解决措施。这个问题实际还不是全球灾难的程度。


1. C。根据文意可知Lisa助人为乐,是很有爱心的女孩。她帮助弱智儿童Jordan过生日就体现了这一点。

2. A。文中提到The principal wanted to know why they were having a birthday party for Jordan at school. 此外校长还专门打电话表扬Lisa的行为。可以推断在这所学校通常是不能举办生日晚会的。

3. B。文中提到Lisa拿来了自己做的杯型蛋糕,而Ashley则从家里拿来了饮料和餐具等。

4. C。纵观全文,作者讲述了自己女儿助人为乐的故事,全文字里行间充满了自豪。


1. A。考查名词辨析。句意为:那些患头痛的人将会发现服用了这种药头痛可以得到缓解。relief缓解,减轻;safety 安全;defense 防御;shelter 保护,避难所,躲避处;根据四个名词选项,可判断A项为正确答案。

2. B。过去完成时态的用法,表示过去的时间点(at lunch time)已经完成的动作(卖光了)。

3. A。 count在这里表示有意义,很重要的意思。apply表示应用,stress表示强调,function表示起作用,显然都不符合文意。

4. D。此处how引导宾语从句。句意是:“作为一名新手外交官,他经常要考虑在这些场合下应该如何更恰当地做出应对。

5. C。

6. C。考查形容词辨析。由句意:在家庭外有工作的妈妈们应该有灵活的时间表,这样使她们照看孩子更方便些。可知应选flexible “灵活的”。heavy “严重的”;

smooth “流畅的”;complex “复杂的”,均不符合句意。

7. B。notice此处表示提前告知的意思。女房东告诉他一个月后必须搬走。Threat,威胁;advice, 建议; caution, 小心谨慎,都不符合题意。

8. D。admit, 承认;absorb,吸收;acknowledge, 承认、致谢 ;这些都不符合文意。Consider, 考虑。在这家公司,意见建议通常要等数个月才能被审查考虑。

9. C。 take the blame for, 对……承担责任;take charge of,负责管理照料;其它两个词的搭配不存在。

10.C。 reaction和to搭配,表示对事物作出反应。Impression(印象), comment(评价)要和on搭配。而opinion则要与of搭配。文意是,很难猜到她听到这个消息会如何反应。


Brothers on the court

本文作者: 21ST

期号:354 阅读数:205评论(0)打印收藏

加索尔兄弟欧锦赛所向披靡!词数 244 建议阅读时间 7分钟

About Marc


January 29, 1985

Height: 2.16m

Weight: 120kg

About Pau


July 6, 1980

Height: 2.13m

Weight: 113kg

SPANISH basketball fans should buy Mr and Mrs Gasol dinner. Their sons – Pau and Marc Gasol – led Spain to become the champion of European basketball. Spain beat France 98-85 in the final of the 2011 EuroBasket on September 18.

“The Gasol brothers rule the court (球场),” Slovenia guard Saso Ozbolt said. “You have to pay attention to them, then the other players move in. That’s why it’s so tough to play against Spain.”

The Gasol brothers both play in the NBA. Pau is the forward (前锋) of the Los Angeles Lakers and Marc plays for the Memphis Grizzles (孟菲斯灰熊队) as a center. But, besides their height, the brothers do not have much in common.

On the court, Pau moves gracefully around opponents (对手) and Marc charges through them. In their spare time, Pau goes to art house theaters while Marc goes fishing.

Yet Marc talks to Pau at least every other day and lives in Pau’s old apartment. “Little brothers have to go their own way sometimes,” Marc says. “But Pau has always been the best example for me to follow.”

As a big NBA star, Pau has won two NBA championships with the Lakers and four All-stars. But Marc is catching up with his brother. During the last NBA season, Marc had an average of 15 points and 12 rebounds (篮板球) a game in the playoffs (季后赛), compared with Pau’s 13 and eight. Marc did better than his famous brother.


height n. 高度

用法:at the height of 在某个高度上;

high adj. 高的。

She is at the height of her career.

catch up with 赶上


As a new student, he quickly caught up with his classmates.


Is where you sit in class important?

本文作者: 21ST



本期主持: 北京市第二中学分校



Yang Cen, 13:

I think my seat is very important for my studies. If I sit in the front of the classroom, I can listen to teachers more carefully and learn more things. So I will get good grades. Second, teachers will ask me to answer questions more often. This gives me more confidence (信心).

Tang Xiaohan, 14:

I sit in the back of the classroom. But my eyesight (视力) is not very good, and the boy in front of me is very tall. It is hard for me to see the blackboard. And students in the back are always talking. I can’t hear the teacher clearly. I believe sitting in the front will not only improve my grades but also my eyesight.


Kang Yuchen, 13:

I don’t think where I sit in the classroom matters. I’m a tall boy and because of this, my teacher always asks me to sit in the back of the classroom. I never think about it. It doesn’t affect (影响) my studies. In fact, my grades are always at the top of my class. And, if I sit near the teacher, I sometimes feel a little nervous (紧张的).

Sun Haotian, 14:

I never care about (关心) where I sit in the classroom. In my opinion, the most important thing for good grades is to have a good attitude (态度) and to work hard. It couldn’t be the seat. If you want to study, no one can stop you. Anything else is just an excuse.

(2)我的课外活动时间我做主。词数 250 建议阅读时间 6分钟

DO your parents make you join in lots of after-school activities? My parents did, once, and I listened to them. But now, I decide what I do.

My parents made me do a lot of extracurricular (课外的) activities: basketball, soccer, swimming, tennis, ice-skating and so on.

I didn’t like many of them. Each time I would ask my parents to stop eolling (招收) me next time.

This year, I began to quit (停止) some activities. I quit choir (唱诗班) because the music wasn’t so good. I also quit orchestra (管弦乐队). I decided I could learn Chinese at home, so I quit Chinese school. So, now I only do school band, after-school Spanish and violin lessons.

My mother thinks that I don’t get enough exercise. But I don’t think so. I walk home 2 miles (3.2km) every day. Walking is a kind of sport.

One day, in the middle of class, a voice (声音) from the loudspeaker asked me to come to the meeting for Archery (射箭) Club. I didn’t think it was for me, so I didn’t go.

When I got home, my mother was very angry that I didn’t go. She was looking for a program to eoll me in, and found this one at the last minute. My mother says it’s never too late to learn new things. Maybe that’s true, but I really didn’t

want to go.

What would you do if you were me?

(3)Crew cut

本文作者: Liu Tao

期号:354 阅读数:36评论(0)打印收藏 我被迫理了一次平头。

LAST Monday, I went to school with a crew cut. It was all the fault of my cousin and my own foolishness (愚蠢). He said he could cut my hair beautifully. Foolishly, I agreed. After five minutes, I asked him to stop. The cut was very uneven (不平整的). I had to visit a barber. The barber gave me a crew cut to “save” my hair. In the end, my hair was only 2-3mm long. What a bad cut!

Liu Tao from Fujian

(4)I like running

本文作者: Wei Rong

期号:354 阅读数:44评论(0)打印收藏 跑步有益于身心健康。

WHEN I feel unhappy, I want to cry. But one of my friends told me: “Keep running until your tears turn to sweat (汗水).” Later, running became one of my habits. I like running around the park. I don’t stop until I am sweating. Then I feel better. However, it’s not a good way to exercise because too much exercise may be bad for our health. So we should keep happy every day! Anyway, life is beautiful!

Wei Rong from Sichuan

Tommy tells his parents

本文作者: 21ST

期号:354 阅读数:104评论(0)打印收藏

词数 204 建议阅读时间 6分钟

I CALLED a meeting with the parents of my student, Tommy. I wanted to talk with them about his failing (失败的) schoolwork and behavior.

Tommy was always an excellent student. How could I make his father and mother believe that their recent separation caused his bad grades??


1、“?Painting!? She declared.? What fun. But what are you waiting for? Let me have the brush——the big one.? She plunged into the paints and before I know it she had swept several fierce strokes and slashes of blue on the absolutely terrified canvas. Anyone could see it could not hit back. I hesitated no more. I seized the largest brush and fell upon my wretched victim with wild fury. I have never felt any fear of a canvas since.”


2、Confucianism provides another important ingredient in the Asians’ success. In Confucian philosophy, the family plays a central role ——an orientation that leads people to work for the honor of the family, not just for themselves. One can never repay one’s parents, and there’s a sense of obligation or even guilt that is as strong a force among Asians as protestant philosophy is among those in the West.



3、From the start, George was well accepted by all the Japanese employees. Japanese managers often distrust anyone sent to represent US owners, but George was so naturally nonassertive that no one could see him as a threat to their careers. So they felt comfortable asking his advice on a wide range of matters, including the odd behavior of their partners across the ocean. Engineers throughout the company appreciated George’s expertise and his friendly and capable help, and they got into the habit of turning to him whenever they had a problem——any problem. And the secretaries in the office were eager to help this nice bachelor learn Japanese. 从一开始,乔治就被所有的日本雇员欣然接受。日本经理通常不信任何被派去代表美方业主的人,但乔治生性随和,没有人把他看作是对自己职业的一种威胁。所以他们喜欢就广泛的各类问题征求他的意见,包括大洋彼岸他们的合作伙伴的古怪行为。公司上下的工程师们都珍视乔治的专业知识和他友好而技能熟练的帮助,他们已养成了一有问题——任何问题,就找他帮忙的习惯。办公室里的秘书们都热衷于帮助这个讨人喜行的单身汉学习日


4、Success, which encourages repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good as a teacher as failure. You can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one, from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even a failure that seems total can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction. 成功鼓励人们重复过去的行为,因而远不及失败这个老师来的好。你可以从一次极糟的晚会中学会如何举办一次成功的晚会,从第一次不当的选房中学到下次选房时要注意些什么。即使一次看似彻底的失败也能激发新的思路,引起方向的改变。

5、Balancing work and school was difficult. “I was staying up late studying, and going to work early every morning. I was having a hard time concentrating in class, and a hard time on the job because I was so tired,” she says. But she ended up with two A’s in her first semester anyway.


6、He has been proclaimed“the finest mind alive,”“the greatest genius of the late 20th century,” and“Einstein’s heir.” Known to million, far and wide, for his book A Brief

History of Time, Stephen hawking is a star scientist in more ways than one. His gift for revealing the mysteries of the universe in a style that non-scientist can enjoy made Hawking an instant celebrity and his book a bestseller in both Britain and America. It has earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records for spending 184 weeks in The Sunday Times“top-ten” list, and has sold more than five million copies world——virtually unheard-of success for a science book.

他被称为?活着的最有才华的人?,?20世纪后期最伟大的天才?,以及?爱因斯坦的传人?。因《时间简史》一书而闻名遐迩为众人所知的斯蒂芬 霍金是一个多重意义上的明星科学家。霍金擅长于一种非科学工作者乐于接受的文体揭示宇宙的奥秘。这种天赋使他声誉鹊起,也使他的书在英国和美国都成了畅销书。该书因在《星期日泰晤士报》十大畅销书名单上持续了184周,并在全世界销售了500多万册而在《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》上赢得了一席之地——对一本科学书籍来说,这简直是前所未闻的成功。

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