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2015 年 1 月 23 日




1 引言






2.2.1 O2O网络营销模式研究

2012年Dan J.Kim.An认为电子商务模式借助传统因特网和移动互联网庞大用户群体优势,能够带来商业模式变革和产业链利益的重新分配,但是O2O电子商务也面临着虚假宣传、销售伪劣商品、承诺服务不到位以及交易资金的安全等问题。因此,网络信任的缺失成为制约消费者拒绝网上交易的关键因素。Hitoshi Yamamoto, Kazunari Ishida and ToshizumiOhta(2004)觉得在电子商务中引入信任机制可以有效提高交易的质量,这是O2O交易模式努力发展的目标。McKnight D.H 也认为商家与顾客之间的信任在创建到继续或消失的过程中是不

断进行调整,这是O2O发展必经的过程。Jones,G.R.,George,J.M(2009)同样也支持说信任管理可以确保在缺乏网上交易规则保障的情况下达到预期的约束结果,一个完整的电子商务O2O活动,至少会涉及到厂家、商家、客户、金融机构四方的权利和业务。Matthias Maisch, Bernd Bertsche(2005)认为O2O作为一种非常态下的电子商务形式,一定会趋向于商品服务多样化,最终走上生活服务类折扣商城的形式。

2.2.2 消费者行为研究

Russell,M.G.认为从年龄角度讲一般认为年轻人有更多的时间上网并拥有更多的网络知识,从性别角度讲,男性比女性更经常在网上购物,但Frankel K.A.以及Lowe G.S.,KrahnH.在其研究中则发现女性比男性更渴望使用互联网。Sandra M.Forsythe,BoSh则在其研究中指出传统上网络使用者大多是一些受过良好教育富有的人,但现在网络使用者的构成已发生了变化拥有大学文凭的网络使用者已从43%降至29%其构成中中产阶级占多数且其中40%为女性。另外,他们的研究还指出了有过网络购物经历的消费者更易从浏览者转化为购物者。





3.2.1 O2O网络营销模式研究

曾荷(2005.8)在《电子商务领域个性化信息服务商业模式分析》中说随着大批团购网站的死亡,如何将更多的消费从线下转移到线上成为新的电子商务领域急需解决的问题,O2O 电子商务模式应运而生。

刘佳(2010)在《传统企业线上生存》曾说 O2O 本身是非常强调线下体验的经营模式,现有的团购网站并没有把握住这一精髓,仅仅依靠低价吸引用户。

而 O2O 本身是可以做出很多“花样儿”的,在线下实体店的客户咨询、免费体验等环节都有文章可做,关键看 O2O 经营者和商家是否有足够的创新意识去进行探索。

张波(2011)在《网店与实体店将长期并存》中说O2O 是一种模式,它超越了行业的概念,几乎涉及到各行各业,它带动了整体商业生态的创新和转型。O2O 模式是未来经济发展的一个新趋势,未来的 O2O 将是一种多层次、多维度的复合生态体系,不断向多元化和纵深化发展,将引领市场步入新的发展阶段。在这个特殊时期里,经济转型和调 整势在必行,企业需要结合自身特点,不断创新,才能立于不败之地。

3.2.2 消费者行为研究









































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[15]21世纪经济报道. 大数据电商:马云的光棍节实验[EB/OL]



[17]陈志强. 传统百货转型案例:银泰借O2O自我革新[J].经理人,2014(4):62-69.





本份文档包含:关于该选题的外文文献 、文献综述



Analysis of O2O Model's Development Problems and Trend


Future competition not only exists in the products and channels, but also exists in the resource integration and terminal consumers. O2O mode is new commerce model which does a deeper explore to the sales channels, and has a very good prospect. But there are certain obstacles in its development. This paper analyzes their respective advantages of two kinds of sale models under the background of electronic commerce, including online electricity sales mode and offline store sales model. Then it points out the problems that are needed to solve in the development process of O2O mode. At last, this paper analyzes the five networks needing to be built in the process of O2O model integration.

Keywords:O2O Mode, Online and Offline, Mobile Commerce, Network

1. Introduction

People who hold resources and consumers can win in this industry. Since the rise of Internet (especially the mobile Internet) and e-commerce, the Omni-Channel is often considered by the major merchants as a strategic direction of a traditional business, that puts all the "customers contact" including traditional channels based on the aid of the application of Internet and information integration as the sales opportunities and channels, in order to achieve maximum of potential traffic and purchases deal. The better model development is currently O2O mode (Online To Offline). O2O is an electronic commerce mode based on online effective interactivity. This efficient integration mode between virtual world and real world gets support and recognition from all walks of life. O2O aims to maximize the use of offline and online resource; they promote each other and depend on each other to achieve a win-win situation


O2O, unlike Omni-Channel's perspective of business thinking, puts more attention on

the maximization of consumption value, and makes consumption cost of customer lower through building the systematic process and the consumption system; O2O realizes the transformation process from the simple vendors or manufacturers to life service providers by developing the biggest advanced technology and commercial environment.

2. Analysis of Two Patterns of Online e-Commerce

2.1. Advantage of Online e-Commerce Mode

China's e-commerce started late, but its development is rapid. Since the establishment of Taobao, a large number of electric business enterprises grew up, and, its online commodity trading appeared with explosive growth (Figure 1). They absorbed many small entities sellers on the platform. The reason why this online store has many sellers is mainly that the display of shop goods close to zero cost, no stock, and sellers have risk-free inventory for commodities although they have no professional experience.

In a word, these sellers simply put main energy into online infrastructure, including IT system to be build, fine decoration details of online store page, team building, etc. Some sellers with vivid web design have been very successful to show their own products, and win a lot of successful online transactions.

2.2. Advantage of Offline Entity Sales Model

Offline entity model whose core is the shopping experience still maintain a strong competitive advantage. While online e-commerce price has certain advantages, customers need better service in this era of giving priority to customer demand, and not just the low price. The development of e-commerce is limited after all. Entity industry cannot be replaced at all by service industry anyway. Especially the new electronic products, have taken the customer experience as its tenet to retain customers only through better service experience. E-commerce in its business essence is difficult to achieve good service, which is the one important reason why entity industry cannot be replaced at the moment.

So the advantages and disadvantages are summed up as follows: (Table 1).

2.3. The Development Trend of Online and Offline Integration

As the e-commerce still warming trend in 2014, more and more consumers begin to turn to offline store, online flagship store, or to buy goods in e-commerce platform or mobile client through related e-commerce sites query. Whether e-commerce or no e-commerce, both within the Taobao and out of Taobao, only the basic daily IP traffic operating sites have or daily UV, they have basic business value. The growing number of Internet users reflects the growth of the whole flow supply, and the growth of the e-commerce group is a form of traffic demand growth. Obviously, the customer traffic supply falls short of demand on the background of the growth of absolute number of netizen in Internet has slowed, but the absolute number of electric business absolutely continue to surge. The client drive is becoming economic main body, the customer traffic flow and direction become new power to drive the development of new commodity supply chain, and this kind of power will trigger a new business model, which called O2O and mobile e-commerce business integration model.

There is no denying that, the entity industry still gives a support of our country economic artery. So if they want to have strong competitiveness in such economic trends, they should not only build their own trading system (including the construction of the platform, products promotion, store layout, etc.) in the field of e-commerce platform, but also cooperate between online and offline, balance layout of goods distribution online and offline, and balance the relationship between the form and sales price so that realize complement each other, promote each other, and then build online and offline integration business model.

For example, has transformed successfully into O2O mode about online and offline double fusion. Compared with the traditional shopping mode, O2O shopping mode fuse online and offline, and gets through the data between online and offline member, payment and after sales, logistics, etc. Make online be trading platform to offline stores. Online obtain consumers and then drainage to offline. Consumers can screen services online, and also clinch a deal by online settlement. Offline can not only provide consumers with display, experience, and other functions, but also can be logistics distribution site.

3. The Research of Realize Online Integrated Problem

3.1. The Layout of the O2O Need to Secure the Support of Traditional Enterprise Decision-Makers

Offline guide to online need the support of policy makers. From the intuitive level, we can discover that O2O destroyed the traditional enterprise solid mode and organization system, as well as the traditional sales channels. It is difficult to change the traditional thinking, and it is also difficult to gain support and decision makers to make policymakers understand the profit pattern of O2O. Offline guide to online, for example, the lost is in the interests of the entity shop, where the entrepreneur's enthusiasm is, how to bring offline sales to online, all these need time to be proved, and how to get understanding and recognition from decision-makers.

3.2. How to Change User Flow Leaded by Consumption Habits

How online bring traffic and sales to the offline. From the point of practice, there is a big piece of no coincidence degree between online and offline consumers. Consumers may be more willing to spend a certain amount of money on a physical store than to place an order online. Because of their traditional consumption idea, they would feel more ease if they purchase in a physical store when they need to buy merchandise of big value and good quality, it is the most obvious when they use commodity in the home especially. To persuade and guide the consumer's process ,either from the perspective of the commodity prices, the emotional care, or to move con- sumers from the humanistic spirit, e-commerce conversion rate will be made by customer perception of value and price upside down and secondary experience to decide except the drainage technique .

Traditional stores, the business process is a process of "turning a visitor into a customer, turning the customer into the regular, making familiars VIP member", the cumulative members process is so slow. In the face of today's e-commerce, more and more consumers choose online shopping. However, Customers who purchase online can't experience the entity shop service of face to face, customers who purchase offline can't enjoy novelty online discount. Whether online or offline, the number of membership is increasing continuously and losing at the same time.

Such as Starbucks, who gave up online group-buying for that there is no customer

loyalty. Starbucks choose cooperation with the third-party payment, per one hundred electronic payments in the United States and Canada, have one payment from Starbucks, while in China' stores, per ten consumptions, there is one from a cash card.

3.3. The Difference between Online and Offline

It's not only to do some diversion, but how to make difference. Because online provided actually is a kind of service that cannot experience offline. It includes appreciate and cognition early to the new products, the balance of the price differential, indifference of channels.

Any e-commerce are unable to get rid of disturbance that comes from these three factors, as follows, percent conversion, per customer transaction, and passenger flow cost (AD). The percent conversion is one of the most important factors. The factors affecting the conversion can be summed up in the degree of inversion in value and price, which is called popularly "cost performance". As e-commerce business, anything they do is making high cost-effective for consumers, high cost performance is the key to impress consumers, in addition, in order to improve cost-effective, it also needs precision flow and high quality. Because the goods' value is the largest reflect for people in need. How to create a perfect, efficient supply chain logistics system to control the cost in order to reduce the cost or increase profits, how to use the collected data to understand the consumer psychology, how to show consumer goods value and convince consumers with details page and advertising material, and then to enhance the brand value. All these are the issues to consider.

Ikea don't sell things online firmly, which is different from Suning. If it can directly buy Ikea products on the Internet rather than go to the store, the customers will don't have the strong brand feeling of shopping experience anymore.

3.4. The Insufficiency of O2O Model in Logistics, Inventory and Supply Chain Management of Congenital

First, O2O mode can't improve the delivery service and commodity experience, unable to solve the problem of user trust; Second, O2O mode need high requirement of line strength and the degree of localization; Third, O2O mode emphasizes only paying online and offline experiences, lack of a clear concept of the fresh market

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