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来源网站:百味书屋 2016-11-28 11:04:17




要求: 1. 覆盖以上内容,可作适当发挥;

2. 发言的开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数); 3. 词数:120左右。 Attention, please! I’m going to give you a summary of today’s discussion about whether we should

go on line in our spare time.



Thank you.

答案 :

Attention, please! I’m going to give you a summary of today’s discussion about whether we should go on line in

our spare time.

Many students think we can go on line as much as possible in our spare time because we are free then. Through

the Internet, we can gain plenty of the newest knowledge and the latest information at home and abroad. What’s

more, network offers us a convenient way to communicate with each other. The Internet makes our lives outside

class colorful and various.

On the other hand, a few students partly agree to this idea. Going on line is part of our daily life. But they suggest

a time limit. They’ve found that more students are playing computer games or chatting instead of studying their

lessons or looking up materials. There are a few students who are often absent from school in order to go on line

for fun.

Thank you!






注意: 1.短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;

2.词数:100左右。 3.参考词汇:state of mind 心态

Dear Xiao Wang,

I have received and read your letter, in which you mentioned that you wanted to lose weight by dieting.



1. 提高国民素质的必要性;

2. 列举你所观察到的一些不文明行为(两种以上);

3. 就此做出评论,并提出建议。

参考词汇:behave v 举止、行为、表现

China is now more and more involved in international events, so it is necessary for us to improve the qualities of the citizens as manners play an important role in international communication.

Sometimes some people don’t behave properly in our daily lives. For example, spitting in public places can be seen somewhere. The flowers in public gardens are picked. What is worse, rubbish and plastic bags are thrown on the ground in the street.

In my opinion, these bad behaviors will make bad impressions upon visitors to China, which will ruin the good reputation of China as a large country with a long history. So all people should be taught to be well-behaved and every one of us should form good habits from now on.

4. 应英语老师的要求,你要在英语课上介绍小说《百万英镑》给你的同学。请你根据以下内容,写一篇讲稿。



[参考词汇] 奇遇 fortuitous adventure





Today I am going to introduce to you a novel.

___________________________________________________________________________________________讽刺的 sarcastic adj. spit vi 吐痰


This is a brief introduction to the story. Hope you will enjoy reading this representative work of Mark Twain.

Today, I am going to introduce to you a novel. Twain.




1. Personal information 个人情况(5-Ⅰ,1、2-Ⅳ,1-Ⅴ,1-Ⅶ,3-Ⅶ)

2. Family, friends and people around 家庭、朋友与周围的人 (4-Ⅳ,3-Ⅴ,2-Ⅶ,1-Ⅷ)

3. Personal environment 周围的环境 (5-Ⅳ,3-Ⅴ)

4. Daily routines日常活动

5. School life 学校生活 (4-Ⅶ)

6. Interest and hobbies 兴趣与爱好

7. Emotions 个人情感

8. Interpersonal relationships 人际关系 (1-Ⅰ,4-Ⅶ)

9. Plans and intentions 计划与愿望 (3-Ⅴ)

10. Festivals, holidays and celebrations 节假日活动 (1-Ⅲ,4-Ⅶ)

11. Shopping 购物

12. Food and drink饮食 (2-Ⅲ)

13. Health 健康 (5-Ⅴ,3-Ⅵ)

14. Weather 天气 (4-Ⅵ)

15. Entertainment and sports 文娱与体育 (2-Ⅱ,4-Ⅴ)

16. Travel and transport 旅游与交通 (3-Ⅰ,5-Ⅳ,2-Ⅴ,5-Ⅶ,1-Ⅲ)

17. Language learning 语言学习 (2-Ⅰ,3、4-Ⅳ)

18. Nature 自然 (4-Ⅰ,4-Ⅱ,5-Ⅵ,3-Ⅶ)

19. The world and the environment 世界与环境(4-Ⅰ, 3-Ⅶ)

20. Popular science and modern technology 科普知识与现代技术 (3-Ⅱ,4-Ⅲ,2-Ⅶ,2-Ⅷ)

21. Topical Issues 热点话题 (4-Ⅶ)

22. History and geography 历史与地理(1-Ⅱ,5-Ⅲ,2-Ⅴ,4-Ⅶ,,5-Ⅷ)

23. Society 社会 (4-Ⅴ)

24. Literature and art 文学与艺术(5-Ⅱ,3-Ⅲ,,2-Ⅵ,4-Ⅷ)


1. Personal information 个人情况 (即人物介绍类)

2. Family, friends and people around 家庭、朋友与周围的人 + Interpersonal relationships 人


3. Personal environment 周围的环境 + Weather 天气 + Nature 自然 + The world and the

environment 世界与环境 (即包含环境、水资源、野生动物的现状和解决措施,自然灾害的描述)

4. Daily routines日常活动 (即活动描写类,包含“日记,通知”等)

5. School life 学校生活 + Interest and hobbies 兴趣与爱好 + Entertainment and sports 文娱

与体育 (即包含寄宿学校的好与坏,课外活动,课外辅导,压力,独立性,业余工作)

6. Festivals, holidays and celebrations 节假日活动 (端午,中秋,元宵,反思西方文化的入


7. Shopping 购物 (网上购物,投诉类信件)

8. Food and drink饮食 + Health 健康(食品安全:危害和措施)

9. Travel and transport 旅游与交通 (旅行的好处,醉驾的危害和措施,交通的问题和解决


10. Language learning 语言学习 (学习方法的介绍,学习困难提出与解决)

11. Popular science and modern technology 科普知识与现代技术(网络运用,网络安全,微


12. History and geography 历史与地理 (地点介绍类)

13. 看图作文 (单图和多图组合)

14. Topical Issues 热点话题 (好人好事,道德观念,慈善事业)




Dear Linda,

I know it’s hard to start a new life in a strange city. However, just staying at home doing nothing but surf the Internet is not good for you. You’d better go out and join in some social activities. By doing this, you can get to know more people around. And it would be a good idea to help others if possible and show them you are open and friendly as well.

With time going on, people will know you better and like to make friends with you.

Best wishes!


Li Hua

2、假设你是李华,某中学学生杂志英语习作专栏正在开展主题为“Why should we learn English?”的征文活动。请你根据所给要点写一篇征文稿。


Why should we learn English?

English is an international language so it is necessary and good for us to learn English.

First, learning English can help us express ourselves in different ways. We learn new words and grammar, which makes it possible for us to learn new languages well in the future. Second, learning English opens the door to another culture. When we learn English, we will be able to understand its culture. Last, learning English allows us to make a lot of friends. We can communicate with many people in English by meeting them or on the Internet.

In a word, learning English means a lot. We should work hard and learn it well.


1)湖光塔影,花木芬芳 2)莺啼燕语,游人如织 3)夜游西湖,赏音乐节

Dear Harry,

How did you spend your summer holidays? I’d like to share my last trip with you.

During my holiday, I visited the West Lake in Hangzhou. Bright flowers, green trees, lovely birds and ancient towers attracted lots of tourists from all over the world. To enjoy its beauty, many of them biked around the lake. In the evening, the lake was more beautiful in the moonlight. I took a happy walk and went to a wonderful music festival.

I am sure that you will fall in love with this place when you visit it, and I am very glad to be your guide.


Li Hua

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