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来源网站:百味书屋 2016-10-13 17:25:31




★ sleep

V. 睡,睡觉. 过去式/过去分词:slept


① You shouldn’t sleep in class.


② I slept a sound sleep last night.


③ I need at least 6 hours’ sleep a night.


﹝点拨于思考﹞ sleep vi/vt, &n. 既可作不及物动词或及物动词,也可作名词。作及物动词,可表“觉,睡觉”,其后不接名词,如句①;作及物动词,可表“睡,使睡得”,通常与形容词修饰的同形宾语连用,如______ a ______, 如句②;作名词,可表“睡眠”,如句③。 答案揭秘:sleep; sleep

﹝知识拓展﹞sleep adj. “困倦的,欲睡的”;sleepless adj.“失眠的,睡不着觉”;sleeper n. 卧铺


1. You’ll feel better after a good night’s2. He usually for seven hours a day.

3. Be quiet! The baby is .

Key: 1. sleep 2. sleeps 3.sleeping.

★ Loud adj. & adv“声音大的(地),响亮的(地)”.

loudly adv. “大声的,喧闹地”.


①. Her voice is not loud enough to hear.


②. My head pains because of the loud music.


③. He is loud against my opinion.


④. They shouted as loudly as they could.


﹝点拨与思考﹞loud 常用作adj. 可做“声音大的,响亮的”讲,如句①,可作“嘈杂的,吵闹的”讲,如句②;也可作“强烈的”讲,如句③. loudly adv. 通常用在_______之后,起修饰作用,如句④. 答案揭秘:动词

﹝知识拓展﹞loud-mouth n. “多嘴的人,爱吹牛的人”;loud speaker n.“扩音器,扬声器”.


1. I can hear a dog barking .

2. The TV is too , please turn it down.

Key: 1. loudly2. loud.


☆ Listen to


① You’re not listening to what I’m saying!


② We should listen to the teacher carefully in class.


﹝拓展﹞ Listen in (to sth.)

③ I’m listening in to the BBC World service.


④ She loves listening in to other people’s talk.


﹝点拨于思考﹞通过例句①②可知,listen to 意为“听、倾听”,表示的是,与之相应的“hear”则表示的是结果。通过例句③④可知,“liste in to the”意为“收听电台广播”或“偷听”. 答案揭秘:动作.

☆ play with


① My little sister likes to play with her doll.


② Tom is playing with his friend.


﹝拓展﹞play about/around (with sb./sth.)

③ You shouldn’t play around with the poor man.


④ Don’t play about with my expensive tools!


﹝点拨于思考﹞ 通过例句①②可知,“play with”意为“玩、玩耍”,后面可接或. 通过例句③④可知,“play about/around with”意为“玩弄”或“摆弄,乱弄”.




〔游戏说明〕同学们,我们在上册中已经学习了现在进行时的简单用法,常用来表示说话时或现阶段在这进行的动作,这一篇文章,我们将复习并深入学习现在进行时的其它用法. 让我们一起进入下面的游戏吧. Let’s go!


1. 我正在给北京的朋友写信.

Ia letter to my friend in Beijing.

2. 老师们正在开会.

The teachers a meeting

3. 现在她不是在看书.

Shea book now.

4. 你在听我说话吗?

you to me ?

5. 那个男孩在寻找什么?

is that boy ?

6. 我下周就要回家了.

I home next week.

7. 她不打算在会议上发言.

She speak at the meeting.

〔揭秘〕1. am , writing 2. are, having3. isn’t, reading

4. Are, listening5. What, looking for

6. am, returning7. isn’t going to

〔 规则探索〕你是个游戏高手吗?完成以上小游戏后,我们可以看出:现在进行时的基本句型结构是:主语+be(,,)+ ; 它的否定形式是在动词后加be动词提至主语之前,一般疑问句前再加上特殊疑问词,就构成了特殊疑问句.

〔 揭秘〕am, is, are, 现在分词,be, not.

〔 玩家心得〕在游戏进行到最后两个小题时,你是不是感觉有点奇怪呢?这两个句子难得不是将来时的句子吗?这是因为现在进行时有时可表示一个在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作,也就是说可以代




1. May I borrow your eraser?

2. They play sports on the playground.

3. His shoes are K35.

4. I’d like to eat some hamburgers.

5. Danny has short, blond hair.


6. Nice to meet you.

7. Is she short or tall?

8. Let’s go to the supermarket.

9. How many bottles of juice do you want?

10. What’s the matter, Li Ming?


11. W: Look at this hat. It’s Li Ming’s.

M: Oh, it’s blue.

Q: What colour is Li Ming’s hat?

12. W: How does that little girl look like?

M: She looks cute.

Q: How does that little girl look like?

13: W: There’s no food in the fridge?

M: Let’s go to the market to buy some.

Q: What do they want to buy?

14. M: I cut my knee. It hurts.

W: It looks bad. Let’s go to see a doctor.

Q: Who do they go to see?

15. M: Her name is Yan Ling. She is a teacher.

W: I’m a teacher, too.

Q: What is Yan Ling?



Hello! I’m Jenny. I’m a student. I go to school five days a week. I get up at six in the morning. After breakfast I go to school. I have lunch at school. I have six classes every day. After school in the afternoon, I go back home. Then I do my homework. And I have supper at six thirty.


Uncle Li is coming to have supper with us. Mum and I go to the store to buy something. We buy some meat first. Fish is Uncle Li’s favourite food and we buy some. We also buy some vegetables and chicken. We don’t buy any hamburgers because Uncle Li doesn’t like them at all. Mum also buy some apples for me. We go home at five in the afternoon.


My name is Helen. Amy and Sally are my best friends. We are 14 this year. I like her because she is happy almost all the time and very friendly. Sally is a quiet girl. She makes friends more slowly. However she is just as good a friend as Amy. We listen to each other’s problems. Amy likes to talk and Sally likes to listen. We all study hard.




1.Did you watch TV on Saturday evening?

2.How was Tony’s weekend?

3.Where did Betty go yesterday?

4.When did you go to the beach?

5.What about going to the theater this Sunday?


6.W:David,would you like to go for a walk with me after supper?

M:Sorry,I have to help my mother do some housework.

Q:What would the boy do after supper?

7.M:What’s your favourite job,Susan?

W:When I leave school,I want to be an actress. It’s an exciting job and I can work with many actors. Q:Why does the girl want to be an actress?

8.M:How was your weekend,Dinna?

W:It was not very good.On Saturday,I did my homework all day. On Sunday I had to look after my pet cat because it was sick.

Q:How was the girl’s weekend?

9.M:Maggie,did your father come back from Beijing?

W:No,he didn’t. He will be back this week.

Q:Where is the girl’s father now?

10.W:Where’s the cake I made this morning?

M:We ate it. Can you make another one for us?

Q:When did the woman make the cake?


M:Great weather! It was sunny and hot all day. We went to a beautiful beach. We had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon,we went shopping. On the way,I found a little boy crying in the corner. He was lost. I helped him find his father. That made me feel very happy. I didn’t have any money for a taxi. So I walked back home.


M:Yesterday was Saturday. Mr. King took his family to the People’s Park in the morning. They got up early and had breakfast quickly. After that they went to the park by car. It was nine o’clock when they got there. There were many people in the park. Lily climbed the hill in the middle of the park. Lucy flew a kite with some children. Mr. King and his wife were tired after five days’ work. They sat under a tree and had a rest. The King family had a good time there.

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