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来源网站:百味书屋 2016-10-13 11:31:08

篇一:Food and drinks

Food and drinks

师:Hello, everyone. I’m so happy to see you. Are you happy? Everybody show me your happy face. Ok?


师:Let's have a warming-up.(播放《Apple trees》)Will you sing? Then come with me.


师:Let’s begin our class. Five seconds to sit(one、two、three、four、five) Ok, very good. Today, we continue to learn some food and drinks. (板书:Food and drinks)Are you ready? 生:Yes.

师:First, we review some words that we have learnt before.(出示幻灯片2)Do you know them? If you know, read it out loudly in English.


师:Oh,they look delicious.Today I brought some new words about food.Do you want to meet them?(出示幻灯片3)Ok,听录音,自学。


师:Let's play a game Magic fingers, ok?(神奇的手指游戏)Mark the serial number first put this a few words。(one, two, three, four, five, six)首先把单词标出序号Then I pointed out

a few hands, you read the serial number represented by the words, and read a few times然后我手指出几,你们就读该序号所代表的词语,并相应读几遍,Is that clear?清楚了吗?




生:读单词。(Deskmate read each word同桌玩游戏high and voice互读单词)

师:Do you master them? How about a race?(你学会它们了吗?一起来个竞赛如何)Now I will divide you into two groups, Group

A and Group B. 现在我决定把大家分成两组,男生一组,女生一组,咱们这个游戏的名字叫作《Traffic lights》,游戏的规则是:老师在黑板上画下红、黄、绿3盏交通灯,老师快速带读若干次此单词,突然指向红灯,学生需马上keep silence;老师指向绿灯,学生则继续跟读。老师指向黄灯,学生则需要等三秒后再跟读。哪组出错就给另一组加一面小红旗。

师:Look, My pocket is so fat, you want to know what's inside看我的口袋里这么鼔,你们想知道里面有什么吗?Who can guess it? Oh, some candy, some oranges.那看来咱们生活中有很多情况是需要表示许多的,那该怎么办呢?瞧,“some”来帮忙了,例如:(出示幻灯片7、8)“some”后既可跟可数名词的复数又可以跟不可数名词。 师:学了这些,老师刚才的那句话就可以说全了:I have some candy

and oranges.What do you have?下面我们就让我们一起来学习这个句型。(出示幻灯片六)Follow me.


师:Now, practice in pairs.Then show your dialogues. 出示游戏:

1、Show and say:看图说话。拿出大家准备好的食品卡片,然后同桌二人边展示边介绍食品。(用上“I have some…”的句型)

2、Mix and play:游戏问答。学生两人一组玩游戏,先把各自的卡片混在一起,然后每人取六张卡片正面朝下放在桌上,每人每次抽取一张,通过询问了解对方抽到了什么食品卡片。(用上“What do you have? I have some…”句型)


师:如果我们要去郊外野餐,你都想带些什么呢?用“I have some?”句型回答。

师:Today our class was on to it. Which one is the best?

OK. I think everyone is the best. I hope you can be better in the coming days.

Class is over. Thank you. Bye-bye

篇二:food and drinks

Finding comfort in food. Eating the right dishes can lift our spirits and swallow up stress. Well, here with more on how food affects our mood is Doctor Susan Kleiner, a nutritionist, and the author of the Good Mood Diet. Susan, good morning.

Good morning, Kim Bold.

So I'm very curious about this, are there foods that actually have like, happy chemicals in them?

Oh, absolutely. You know, how we feel, how we cope with stress, how we think, how clearly we think, are all directly affected by the foods that we eat.

OK, we actually went out and asked people what foods they ate in order to make themselves happy. And let's first listen to what they had to say.

Chocolate, I eat chocolate when I'm happy.

Thai food.

When I want to feel happy, I want to eat pizza.

OK, me too. Pizza would be my happy food. But those aren't the foods that actually make you happy, all right?

Well, it could be, you know, both of those are part of it. But there are foods that really directly affect our brain with certain chemicals. (Walk through) So fish is really a big happy food. It's got protein in brain, or make it free fats and vitamin D, all of those help raise our neural(神经系统的)chemistry that makes us feel happy. Potatoes, cereals, great carps(鲤鱼) that actually get the protein into the brain. Fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, all are great for raising mood. And crunchy foods, like popcorn, those are fabulous for making us feel happy.

Why? Why?

The actual chewing mechanism raises serotonin(含于血液中的复合胺)levels in the brain. So combining all these together, creating wonderful combinations of fish tacos or you know, think potatoes with chili on top even. Those are great combinations.

Ok, then you got a very happy dinner, right?

Yeah, yeah.

Ok, let's talk about stressed-out food or foods that you do tend to eat when you're stressed. And let's see what our guest and contributors thought.

Yeah, when I'm stressed, then I eat anything salty. Popcorn, things like that.

A pie of chocolate. The chocolate is chocolate that has been my pacifier(抚慰者)at the moment.

I usually go over some kind of drink, get a scorcher or so

Ok, a drink, yeah, that's a good solution. Well, what are the real stress busters?

Well, healthy fats, believe it or not. (talk me down.) They are great for coping with stress. Wonderful. So, avocados, nuts, seeds, olive, olive oil.

See! That's why I create guacamole when I'm stressed out. OK.

Yes, yes, a great stress buster, peanuts, peanut butter, and then again, dairy foods are great. They help reduce stress. They help decreasing anxiety and anger. And so again, combinations get in protein and vitamin B6. So lean beef, turkey, make yourself a turkey sandwich, those are (on whole-wheat breads) on, on the whole-grain bread. Yes, absolutely.

Ok, our final mood here is energetic. How to be energetic? And let's listen to what other people have to say.

Energy food, I usually eat anything with sugar.

Candy bars, with a lot of sugar in.

Usually I try to go a health through them, maybe a protein shake, Gatorade.

Ok, now I mean we all do it. Sugar, caffeine, you know.

Right, right.

Any of those unharmed?

Well, there are some good ones there. The fluids are really critical. So water, of course.

Keeping yourself hydrated. 含水的,

Keeping yourself well hydrated. There's nothing more important for all of your moods is to keep yourself drinking plenty of water. But there are other things, eggs and soy. The egg, an egg yolk 蛋黄and soy (is)大豆 are fast food lipids that actually create channels to allow nutritions into the brain and toxins out. And so they are so important to have them in your diet everyday. And of course, everyone loves chocolate. But we can also have coffee, tea, a little bit of caffeine, (it's not terrible, right?) it is stimulant,刺激物 right.

So it's a pick-me-up in the morning. It's great before exercise. You don't want too much, because it can make you feel lousy rather than better.

Or too late in the day.

Or too late in the day, right!

An interesting stuff, Dr. Susan Kleiner, thank you so much! Good to have you here!

Thank you! Nice to be here!

Passage 2


The joint study published today by the Health Care Commission, the National Audit Office and Audit Commission says that without clear leadership from government departments, the target of halting obesity in children under 11 by 2010 will fail, and it cites too few staff and a lack of specific funding as problems.

Junk food, too little exercise and an increasingly sedentary life style, all well-known factors in the spiraling problem of childhood obesity in Britain. The causes are clear, but the government's efforts to tackle the problem are inefficient, confused and under-resourced according to Today's Report.

Obesity costs the NHS one billion pounds a year, and blights the health of up to one million children under 16. Doctors say this could be the first generation for decades to die before their parents unless urgent action is taken. Yet, progress is so slow according to Today's Report that the government risks missing its target of halting obesity in children under 11 by 2010. The Health Care Commission, Audit Commission and National Audit Office're pointing out it's taken 31 experts 18 months to agree how to measure obesity. The report says there are many initiatives to tackle the problem, but no specific funding. It complains that many organizations involved are unclear about their roles, causing potential confusion and wasting resources. And it adds that there are too few frontline staff to deal with the complex problem of obesity.

"What is needed is more leadership from the government departments

involved, that then needs to flow down to clearer programmes and funding at the regional level, and that in turn needs to flow down to better guidance and support and advice for those actually working with children. "

The fight against obesity in children has backing at the highest level of government, yet the report claims that a clear lack of direction is hampering the efforts of five government departments at hundreds of local organizations.

"People are eating more processed foods, and also doing less exercise, and we are trying to turn that around, and the Healthy Start Scheme, the free food in schools, but also working with families as well as school's health authorities and others, is part of that, but it's a, it isn't an easy task. "

Recent initiatives have included replacing junk food in schools with healthy alternatives, largely as a result of a campaign by TV chef Jenny Oliver. There is evidence of changing eating habits in Britain. Fast food chain McDonald's has decided to close 25 branches around the country because of falling sales.

But Today's Report warns that children face adulthood illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease if the obesity strategy isn't speeded up.

篇三:Food and Drink教学设计

Unit 5 Drink

一、 教学目标


(1)学会并熟练运用What do you like? 来询问别人喜欢什么饮料,并能用I like… 来回答。

(2)复习食物和饮料单词: juice, milk, water ,tea .





第九单元主要学习食物和饮料的单词,以及询问别人喜欢吃(或喝)什么的问语及其回答。本节课是这个单元的第二课时,通过前面第一课时的学习,学生已对一些食物和饮料的英语说法比较熟悉,对句型What do you like?有了一个感性认识。这节课主要学习Let’s talk里面的对话,通过情景对话,让学生巩固What do you like? I like…句型。



四. 预习要求

1.能够听懂,会说与饮料有关的四个单词:juice milk water tea.


Lesson 1

Step 1: Warm-up & Revision

1. Sing a song. 播放21页的歌曲,让学生跟音乐一起唱。 ( I like juice, I like juice. Juice, please.Juice, please??) 设计思路:课前让学生唱英文歌曲,以此创设轻松、愉快的学习氛围,并吸引学生的注意力。而且这首歌有助复习前一课时所学的食物和饮料单词。

2.Watch and guess. 课件逐一程现食物和饮料图片的碎片,让学生猜出该单词。然后让一学生把图片贴在黑板上的Food plate或Drink plate,以把单词分类。


Step 2: Presentation of Let’s talk

1.Guess and say. 让学生猜一猜老师会喜欢哪一种食物或饮料,引导学生说: “What do you like?” 教师在黑板上程现新句型并带读。

2.Ask and answer. 教师提问其中几位学生:“What do you like?” 引导学生回答:“I like ( tea).” 教师在黑板上程现该句型并带读。

3. TPR. 全班一起提问一学生:“ Do you want...?” 该学生回答后(如: Yes,please./No thanks.I want ...), 教师示意全班举起该小卡片,并重复说该单词( juice!)。然后教师又说:“ Drink juice . ( 要求该学生做出相应的动作。


4.Pair work. 让学生与同桌做问答。

A: I like…. What do you like?

B: I like….


5.Reading. 让学生翻开书本20页看Let’s talk部分。告诉学生他们已会读这一部分了。让学生一起朗读。


Step 3: Activities

1. Go to the McDonlad’s. 课件出示麦当劳的环境图片及食物图



2. Interview.

(1) 投影20页Let’s talk部分的表格,提问学生:“What’s this? / Who’s this?” 等,了解表格内容。

(2) 教师访问两个学生,并作示范填表。

(3) 让学生访问他们的好朋友们,并填表。


Step 4 Extentsion





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