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来源网站:百味书屋 2016-11-04 09:36:10


unit 2

I. Comprehension of the Text

2. 1) Fast food restaurants, such as McDonald’s, Burger King , Subway, KFC.

2) Because small, local restaurant do not have the money to advertise like the big American chains,

their business are having trouble.

3) Tastee’s is trying to compete with American fast food restaurants by adding more variety to its menu.

4) Because Jamaicans have difficult work schedules, fast food is popular.

5) Open for discussion

II. Reciting(Omitted.)

III. Vocabulary & Structure

1. 1) craze 2) diners 3) decade(s) 4) convenient 5) popularity 6) sign7) favorite 8) invaded

2. 1) add to(用add... to...表达“把?加在??上”之意。)

2) as well(用as well 表述“也怎么样”。)

3) It seems that(用seems 代替 appears 表示“似乎”之意。)

IV. Translation


1) have to try hard to stay in business (此句翻译考查文中出现的词汇in business)

2) to compete with American fast food restaurants (考查文中出现的短语compete with)

3) would like to eat food that is both healthy and fast (此句翻译考查文中出现的短语 would like to)

4) this craze will slow down(此句考查文中出现的短语 slow down)







VI. Writing

Fast Food

Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children and teenagers. Today, it’s certainly difficult to think of any other single thing that represents the fast pace of modern society as powerfully as fast food.

There are several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and saves a lot of time. You go into a fast food restaurant, order your food, and your food will be ready in a minute. You can either eat it there or take it away. Second, its popularity is also attributed to me clean and comfortable environment of the fast food restaurant, the excellent service, and the guaranteed quality of food.

However, in terms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It usually doesn’t compose a balanced

diet and is low in nutritional value. Thus, doctors suggest that people, especially children, eat as little fast food as possible. Although home cooking is time-consuming and the following washing up is tiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs. Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and you can turn to it only once in a while.

简评:本文对主题的分析和内容的描述具体而贴切。文章切题,层次结构清晰,用词得当。首 段点明快餐在中国颇为流行,尤其受到孩子们的青睐。第二段,具体分析了快餐流行的原因。first 和second 等词组的恰当使用使段落层次感加强。第三段从反面说明了快餐的缺点,并在文章结尾 劝告大家少吃快餐为宜。However 一词起到了承上启下的连接作用。







“风味”是当地一家出售“帕提”的餐馆。它已经经营了25 年,但现在,它不得不努力保持营业势头。由于“帕提”比美国快餐要便宜,所以它在“风味”店仍然很受欢迎。然而,。风味*店还不得不在菜单中增加各种各样的新品种,以与美国快餐抗衡。

“风味”店的一位经理说:一帕提’不像比萨或汉堡那么贵,所以还比较好卖。一“帕提”比汉堡小,但是很容易填饱肚子。“帕提”一个只卖46 美分,而一个汉堡卖2.46 美元,比萨饼则卖到5.80 美元到1 5 美元不等。




Reading 2

I.Comprehension of the Text

1) B(从课文第3 段的描述可了解人们对this Old McDonald’s 的美好记忆。A、C、D 三项分别 陈述了这些记忆。B 项内容文中并未提到。故B 是正确答案。)

2) C(从课文第7 段得知,麦当劳公司找了一些借口试图拆除这座建筑。从课文第9 段中可以看 出,登尼市的市民们认为麦当劳公司想改变历史。故C 是正确答案。)

3) A(课文第9 段告诉我们,Kroc 不仅从Dick and Mac McDonald 兄弟那里学到了快餐业生意经, 还买下了他们的餐馆。课文第10 段引用了历史学家的话,说明Dick and Mac McDonald 兄弟是麦当劳的发明者。故A 是正确答案。)

4) D(从第7 段得知,麦当劳公司宣称地震之后这座建筑物已不可能修复。课文第11 段指出麦 当劳公司最终遗弃了这座建筑物。故该题答案为D。)

5) C(课文自始至终都表明了登尼市的市民们和历史学家们对保护Old McDonald’s 的态度和观 点。故正确答案为C。)

Ⅱ. Vocabulary

1)C 2)C 3)A 4)A 5)D 6)C 7)C 8)A 9)B 10)D

Ⅲ.Putting it All Together





对于将麦当劳视为一个文化象征,一些人感到可笑。但是加利福尼亚登尼市的麦当劳快餐店是美国第一个金色拱形门建筑,它建于1953 年,拥有最早的麦当劳建筑设计风格。





建筑勘查者说,这座麦当劳建筑可以重新维修,但是维修费用昂贵,要花30 万美元。许多人认为麦当劳当然出得起这笔钱。一些人认为麦当劳想要关闭这个店的真正原因并不是因为钱。

现代麦当劳餐馆通常有一个招牌,写着首家麦当劳店是一个名叫雷·克罗克的人于1955 年在伊利诺伊州开的。但是克罗克先生却是在登尼市从迪克和马克·麦克唐纳兄弟那里学到的快餐业生意经。后来,克罗克买下了他们的餐馆。许多登尼市的人都认为,麦当劳关店的举动是想改变历史。

麦当劳公司否认他们试图把麦克唐纳兄弟从麦当劳历史中抹去。然而,历史学家认为这个解释是有道理的。一位历史学家说:“我们不能改写历史。麦当劳不是雷·克罗克发明的,而是麦克唐纳兄弟发明的。” 现在,一批历史学家想将此建筑列入国家历史遗迹名册,这样,登尼市就可以阻止麦当劳公司拆除这家麦当劳店。麦当劳公司则非常气愤,他们干脆遗弃了这座建筑。


邬若蘅 译



fast food国内的人对KFC, Macdonald, Pizza hut 早已不再陌生。这些著名的快餐店在美国也是遍布大街小巷。除此之外还有许多中国人不太熟悉的,你也不妨一尝:

1、 Burger King:专卖汉堡,牛肉层比麦当劳的厚,不过有人认为味道不如麦当劳,你要来亲自试试

才知呀。值得一提的是,Burger King 的早餐中有个叫croissandtwich 的,味道非常可口。

2、Taco Bell: Mexico food:在美国非常著名,很多人爱吃。不过品味不一定适合中国人。

3、Arby:专营汉堡。比麦当劳, burger king 稍贵,但味道独特,不妨一试。


5、Subway:你可不要误以为是地铁站!其实它是专卖sandwich 的。以清洁著称,味道也很好。 下面再介绍一下快餐店里的绘话。其实在快餐店里店员一共就那么几句话。

一进去,排队。排到你店员会问你:“For here or to go?"意思是问:是在这里吃还是带走?如 果在店里吃,就是”for here",否则就是"to go"。然后一般要问"what kind of drink",你喜欢哪个就点哪个了。由于drink 都很贵,所以不如要免费的“water”实惠。另外,在KFC,还要多说一点,就是店员一般会问你:“Original or crispy?"这是两种不同的口味。一般crispy 会比较对中国人的胃口。薯条叫“French fries",番茄酱叫”ketchup",这些快餐店常见的单词你一定要懂得。在美国街上,buffet 很多。想填饱肚子是很方便的。如果太忙或不方便上街还可以打电话叫外卖,

2、 一般pizza 店都有delivery 的,可以让TA 们送货上门,记着要付小费呀。

The following words or terms are closely related to the topic of fast food, which are help the learners approach the topic quickly.

Soybean milk 豆浆Fried bread sticks 油条 Steamed bread 馒头Dumplings 饺子Wonton 馄炖Italian Sausage

Egg McMuffin 猪柳蛋 Double Crunch 双层劲脆鸡腿堡 Honey BBQ 蜜汁板烧鸡腿 Popcorn 爆米花 Cheese Lover’s Pizza 芝士爱好者比萨Supreme Pizza 至尊比萨

Language Study of Reading 1

1.American fast food restaurants have invaded the island of Jamaica.(Para. 1)


1) to enter a country, town or area using military force, in order to take control of it 侵略

The Nazis invaded France in 1940.

2) to go into a place in large number, especially when you are not wanted 涌入,大批进入

Fans invaded the stage for the singer’s autography.

3) to get involved in sth. in an unwanted and annoying way 侵害,侵犯

I object to our family privacy being invaded.

2.There is no sign this craze will slow down.(para.1)

sign: n. sth. that gives evidence, points to existence or likelihood of sth. 迹象,征兆

sign of

She showed no sign of excitement when she heard the news.

After years of decline, economy is showing signs of recovery.

sign (that)

She saw no sign (that) he would change his mind.

craze n. a short-lived popular fashion, a fad 狂热

craze for jewellery

fitness/dance craze

The jogging craze began in the 1970s in America.

slow down :

1) to become slower or to make sth. slower (使)慢下来,(使)减速

Economic growth has slowed down.

Slow down as you approach that curve.

2)to become the less active or busy than you usually are(尤指在紧张工作后)使放松,使(生活)轻松 You really ought to slow down-all these late nights are doing you no good.

3.The patty, a local meat-filled pie, has been .a favorite for decades.(para.3)

for decades ( hours, days, months, etc.)

They argued the matter over fact for hours.

I haven’t seen you for months.

4. Other spicy local treats like jerked chicken and jerked pork are still very popular. (Para.3) treat n.

1) a special food that tastes good, especially one that you do not eat very often 美食

The café serves an assortment of gourmet treats.

2)[single] an event that gives you a lot of pleasure and is usually unexpected 乐事,乐趣

When we were kids, a trip to the beach was a real treat.

3) my treat (in spoken English) used when you want to tell someone that you will pay for sth. such as a meal for them [口]请客,做东

Let’s go out to lunch-my treat.

5. They don’t have the money to advertise like the big American chain restaurant do. (Para. 4) Do is used instead of repeating a verb that has already been used. In this sentence “do” is used replace “advertise”.

American will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure as it did before the West was settled. I didn’t believe the story and neither did he.

6. However, Tastee’s has had to add different kinds of food to their menu to compete with American restaurants. (Para. 5)


1) ad. In spite of that; nevertheless; yet 但是,可是,不过

The book is expensive; however, it’s worth it.

2) ad. No matter how 不管怎么样……

However hard he tries, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.

However rich they are, they always seem anxious to make more money.

However frightened you may be, you must remain outwardly calm.

However abundant certain natural resources may be, they cannot reproduce themselves and are bound to be used up eventually.

3) conj. in whatever manner or way 不管用什么方法,无论什么方式

Dress however you like.

add sth. to sth 把……增加到……

Material from recent research has been added to his new edition.

Compete with/against 同……竞争

The young tennis player has often competed with/against famous players ,but so far he has always been beaten.

7. This is the main reason for their interest in fast food. (Para. 7)

Reason can not be followed by of or because, but can be followed by for, that, why.

Can you explain the reasons for your decision?

The main reason why that I am writing is to invite you to stay.

Why or that can be omitted in the sentence

I like children, and that’s the reason I became a teacher.

8. Of course, Jamaicans would like to eat food that is both healthy and fast. (Para. 8)

Would like/love to: (often in spoken English) used to say that someone wants sth. or wants to do sth.[多用于口语] 想要做某事情

My parents would like to meet you.

9.To help with this problem, the yogurt shop TCBY has been creative (Para. 8)

“to help with this problem” is an infinitive phrase used to show purpose or intention.

To ease the tension, both sides decided to have a dialogue.

10.Many fast food restaurants are standing to offer more healthy foods (Para. 9)

offer v. to provide sth that people need or want 提供

offer advice/help/support

offer an opportunity/chance/possibility

offer services

11. It seems that the fast food restaurants will do anything to keep their customers happy. (Para. 9)

It seems (that)/it would seem (that): used to make what you are saying less strong or certain, and more polite. 看起来好象,似乎

It would seem that someone left the door unlocked.

Reading 2

Words and phrases

1.The first McDonld’s only sold hamburgers and French fries, but it became a cultural symbol. ( Para. 1 )

symbol n.

1 ) a picture or shape that has a particular meaning or represents a particular organization or idea 象征

The dove is a symbol of peace.

In the picture the tree is the symbol of life and the snake the symbol of evil.

2) a letter, sign or figure which expresses a sound , operation , number , chemical substance, etc. 符


According to the symbol on the label, the sweater should be washed by hand.

We use phonetic symbols as a guide to pronunciation in this dictionary.

symbolic a. of, being, or using a symbol 象征主义的;作为象征的;符号的

a symbolic painting

Today's fighting is symbolic of the chaos which the country is facing.

2. Historians say it is a landmark that is part of American culture. (Para. 1)

landmark n.

1 ) something that is easy to recognize , such as a tall tree or building , and that helps you know where you are 路标,地标

The church tower on the top of the cliff has been a landmark for sailors for centuries.

2) a building or site that has historical significance 有历史意义的建筑物

Washington Monument is a popular landmark.

3) an event marking an important stage of development or a turning point in history 里程碑,重大事件

The discovery of penicillin (青霉素) was a landmark in the history of medicine.

3. McDonld’s says the building should be torn down. (Para. 1 )

tear down (esp. of a building)to pull down to destroy 拆掉,拆除

These beautiful old houses are being torn down to make way for a new road. tear up to tear a piece of paper or cloth into small pieces 撕破;撕碎

The magician tore up a ten-dollar note and then made it whole again. tear oneself away to leave unwillingly 勉强使自己离开

He had to tear himself away from the party to catch the last bus home.

4. Some people laugh at McDonald's being a cultural landmark. (Para. 2)

McDonald's being a cultural landmark 为动名词结构,做介词at 的宾语

I certainly enjoyed Tom's singing.


They insist on my staying there for supper.

5. They're angry that the building is in danger and that their memories are as well. ( Para. 3 ) 此句为为省略句。are 后省略了 in danger

as well in addition to something or someone else 也,又,还:

Why don't you come along as well'?

It's been a great grief as well.

as well as in addition to 也,又

They own a house in France as well as a villa in Spain.

He was kind as well as sensible.

as well as , with , together with. no less than , like , but , except 等引导的短语,谓语动词仍旧用单数形式:

An expert, as well as some assistants, was sent to help with the work.

6. Abther Downey resident says, “I am so upset.” (Para. 6)

resident n. a person who lives in a place, such as a house, hotel or particular area, all the time or just while working , studying , or visiting 居民,定居者

This hotel serves meals to residents only.

resident a. living in a place 居住的,定居的;常驻的(+in)

The ex-chairman, now resident in Spain, is accused of embezzling company funds.

7. Some think that McDonld’s real reason for wanting to close down the restaurant is not the money. ( Para. 8 )

close down

1) to stop operating permanently 关门,歇业

The shop closed down some time last year.

2) to say that sth. is not true 否认,否定,不承认

The men have denied charges of theft.

8. McDonld’s Corporation denies it’s trying to remove the McDonald brothers from history. ( Para. 9 ) deny (that)

1) to say that something is not true, or that you do not believe something

I can't deny (that) her remarks hurt me.

Two men have denied murdering a woman at a remote picnic spot.

There's no denying that this will be a serious blow to the government.

2) to refuse to give (sth. asked for or needed) 拒绝给予,不准

deny sb. sth deny sth. to sb.拒绝给予

I was denied the chance of going to university.

He gave his friends what he denied to his family.

3) to refuse to allow (oneself) too much pleasure 克制,放弃(享乐等)

We denied ourselves for years, until we finished paying for the house.

remove v. ( Para. 9 )

1) to get rid of 除去,排除

He removed the mud from his shoes.

an operation to remove the tumor

2) to take away (from a place) and take to another place 移走,脱掉,去掉

Remove (take off) your hat.

He removed the child from the class.

3) to go to live or work in another place 迁移,移居

Our office has removed to Harlow from London,

9. However, this explanation makes sense to the historians. (Para. 10)

make sense

1) to be a wise course of action 有道理,合乎情理的,明智

It makes sense to take care of your health.

Why did she do that? It didn't seem to make sense.

2) to have a clear meaning 有明确的意义

No matter how I tried to read it, the sentence didn't make (any) sense (to me).

Can you make (any) sense of what the writer is saying?

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