2016-10-12 18:57:07
英语作文my family rules家庭规则。
My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.
For example,i can't go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It's strict, but i think it's necessary.
And i must finish my homework in time. I can't play computer games. I have to wash clothes by myself.
I have to get up at six o'clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.
Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep!
And i think play some computer games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.
举例来说,夜晚我不能去我的朋友在学校.在周末,我回家之前, 9时有严格的,但我认为这是必要的。
晚上回家不能晚过8点Go home at night not later than eight points
早上家人互相问好Morning say hello. Each other family
每个人要勤干家务Everyone should work frequently do housework
每天早晨都要锻炼Every morning exercise
吃完晚饭要洗自己的饭碗After dinner, shall wash his bowl
每天都要穿校服Every day must wear school uniforms
走廊内禁止跑跳The corridor is forbidden in the running and jumping
同学之间互相团结Students unite
每天认真做间操Every day do room fuck
不随手扔垃圾Do not throw rubbish everywhere
Many families have their own rules. My family has many rules, too. My parents are strict with me. The first rule of my family is that my parents don`t allow me to stay up late. The second one is that they don`t allow me to surf the Internet from Monday to Saturday. The third one is that they don`t allowme to spend much time on TV . The fourth is that I have to do homework on time every day. The last rule is that they ask me to go home by 5:00 pm and I am not allowed to find any excuse. These family rules are really strict and boring . But I am not angry with my parents . I know my parents love me very much .They wish me to be a perfect person .
YFU志愿接待家庭规则(Host Family Rules)
The below rules are from Host Family_adhere to those accordingly.
1、 作息时间 Work and Rest time
① 早上起床时间(周一至周五)Time to get up in the morning (Monday-Friday)
② 晚上回家时间(周一至周五)Time to arrive at home in the evening (Monday-Friday)
③ 早上起床时间(周末)Time to get up in the morning (Weekend)
最迟不得超过午饭的时间。(生病除外) ④ 晚上回家时间(周末)Time to arrive at home in the evening (Weekend)
2、 起居生活 Daily life
① 学生本人用过的餐具 The dinnerware that student used
单独的餐具 。
② 学生本人换洗的衣服 The dirty clothes of the student’s
③ 每天(或每周)使用电脑的时间 Time limit for student to use computer(day/week)
④:对洗澡的要求(如要求学生一周几次及浴室使用时间) Requirements for student to
bathe(Eg.: how many times in a week ; at what specific time of using batheroom is suitable)
⑤:对家庭其他电器使用的要求(如空调、电热毯、家庭电话等)Requirements to use
household appliances(eg.: airconditioner, electric blanket、Telephone)
⑤ 对三餐以外食品的提供(水果、饮料、零食)Extra snacks afforded except 3 dinners
家里会根据季节变化,不定时提供适量水果和零食,牛奶或酸奶和家人一样每人每天一瓶,平时以饮用纯净水为主,饮料为辅。 ⑥ 对学生独自外出的要求(如和谁、地点、回家时间)Requirements for student to go out
alone(eg.: specify with who, where and time be at home)
及回家时间等都需说明。 ⑧:对学生带外人回家做客的要求(如学生本人的同学、朋友)Requirements for student to
bring other strangers home(eg.: student’s classmates/friends)
学生带外人回家需事先告知,必须在征得同意后方可带回家 ⑨:对洗漱用品的使用(如是否要求学生自行购买洗漱用品)Requirements for student to
use daily toiletries(Eg.: whether student is supposed to buy them by himself/herself)
on student’s health and sanitation habits.(eg.: Change shoes when enter the house, change the dirty
bedding set, place waste and litter in the specified trash/container.
礼貌称呼Salutation requirements 对接待家庭成员的称呼What , in specific, should students call his/her HF members?
4、 家庭生活Family activities
①:外出聚餐(是否由学生自行承担与家庭外出聚餐费用)Dinning outside(Whether
student is responsible for the free)
见)Family Travelling (Whether student is responsible for the tour price. If so, the HF should
ask for student’s opinions beforehand).
5、 其他要求Other requirements 不能影响弟弟的学习;遇事多问多沟通;和家庭成员和睦相处。
I hereby state that I have fully understood the above contents, and I
will strictly adhere to these rules from my Host Family.
学生确认签字(Student confrim and Signture)__________________
来源:网络整理 免责声明:本文仅限学习分享,如产生版权问题,请联系我们及时删除。
《英语家规》出自:百味书屋链接地址:http://m.850500.com/news/1041.html 转载请保留,谢谢!