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来源网站:百味书屋 2017-02-18 05:05:20


In the movie, Sam uses lyrics of the Beatles’ songs to express what he wants to say many times. So why is San so familiar with “The Beatles” ? One important reason is that although Sam’s intellectual capacity is around a 7-year-old , he has his own understanding in Beatles’ songs and quite loves it .Profound knowledge and high intelligence are not required in the world of music where you can be affected unknowingly by others’ passion. Besides, the lyrics of many songs produced by Beatles are rather simple to understand without difficult words, especially for Sam who has such a small vocabulary. Another 不可忽略 reason for Sam’s admiration for Beatles is from Annie who is excellent at music. You see, Sam and Annie have a good relationship and Sam seems to have found a partner with the same interests in Beatles and also a teacher he can consult about his puzzles just like what Mr. Turner says “he’s knocking on your door asking questions all the time .” Annie’s genuine support makes Sam know more about Beatles.

Sam is held back by his low capacity to appropriately express himself with a range of possible behaviors. In other words, he fails to organize his own words and use some communication techniques. So when facing challenging questions, Sam has to quote some lyrics of Beatles as powerful evidence. It should be noticed that there are four important scenes in which such lyrics are quoted. The first scene is when Lucy asks Sam if her mother will come back one day, Sam remarks:“Paul

Mccartney lost his mother when he was little and John Lennon lost his mother when he was little. Annie says that God picks special people sometimes.” Actually, Sam want to make Lucy know that she can be unique and successful even if Rebecca left her, just like the Beatles. The second one is when Ms Wright doubts his capability to raise Lucy, Sam says:“John wanted to try new things. It wasn’t Yoko’s fault.”-----------------And when Sam is questioned why he is so firm that Lucy belongs to him in the court, he tells the story in which John Lennon wrote the part that said “I love you. I love you. I love you” in the song called Michelle. Through those lyrics, Sam intends to convey his ideas that all a good father needs is love and anything else is secondary. This is a kind of 双方的 love. Despite the stupid answers, slow actions and sometimes silly mistakes, Lucy genuinely senses her father’s love and always gives responsive reactions. That’s the bottom line. At last, to show his determination to get Lucy back, Sam tells Rita that George Harrison wrote “here comes the sun” even when he thought he couldn’t. Nothing is impossible, you just need to try. Once disappointed at the failure in court, Sam once wants to give up and isolates himself. It’s Rita who wake up his hope. But at this time Rita is moved by Sam’s strong perseverance and become more hopeful.

In the whole movie, 17 songs of Beatles are inserted in different situations, creating harmonious effect. They include “two of us” “I’m

looking through you” “Lucy is in the sky with diamonds”“mother nature’s son” “blackbird” “What impresses me most is “Lucy in the sky with diamonds” after which his daughter is named.





智商只有7岁的低智人汤姆偶然有了自己的孩子。孩子的妈妈生产之后无端出走,汤姆又当妈又当爸一个人将孩子抚养到7岁,岂料孩子生日的当天他也收到法院传票,称他不能尽到父亲的职责,出于对孩子未来负责的态度,欲将孩子改判他人。汤姆就此走上了漫漫上访的道路,最终将孩子的抚养权收归己有,父女得以团圆。 智商只有7岁的汤姆他们且歌且舞,有一份力所能及的工作,勉强糊口的收入,能够挡风遮雨的小屋,在自己的世界里自得其乐。貌似与世无争,无欲无求。





Lucy: All you need is love.

Rita: Sam, I can go at least another nine rounds, but you got to let me in.

Lucy: [being observed] I want no other daddy but you.

[turns to the glass]

Lucy: [shouts] Did you hear that? I said I didn't want any other daddy but him. Why don't you write that down?

Rita: It's like every morning I wake up and I FAIL!

Rita: Home.

Phone Voice: Dialing office.

Rita: HOME!

Phone Voice: Dialing office. Rita: HOME, GODDAMN IT! Phone Voice: Dialing Dr. Sloan. Sam: YOU'RE MY LAWYER! Rita: That's right. Sam: OKAY! Sam: You think what they think. Rita: It doesn't matter what I think. It matters that we win. Sam: No, you think what they think. You think Sam can't take care of Lucy!

Rita: Sam, it doesn't matter what I think!

Sam: It matters to me!

Sam: You're going a little faster than everybody else. I was wondering if you noticed that.

[Sam buys a "preowned" answering machine]

Ifty: Yeah. It's an outgoing message so I think you need to sound a little more outgoing.

Lucy: Daddy, did God mean for you to be like this or was it an accident?

Sam: Ok, what do you mean?

Lucy: I mean you're different.

Sam: But what do you mean?

Lucy: You're not like other daddies.

Sam: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry.

Lucy: It's ok, daddy. It's ok. Don't be sorry. I'm lucky. Nobody else's daddy ever comes to the park.

Sam: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, we are lucky. Aren't we lucky? Yeah!

[in Rita's car]

Rita: On the Porsche the door handle is a little hidden by that thingamajig, so if you're having trouble finding it...

Annie: NO!

Sam: Ok, I think maybe Annie's not exactly ready to go yet. Rita: Can you grasp the concept of manipulating the truth... not lying, just a little tweak here and there?

Sam: [thinks for a few seconds] No.

Sam: You don't know what it is when you try, and you try, and you try and you never get there!

Sam: You've grown.

Lucy: Have I?

Sam: Yeah, 'cause your ears are bigger and your eyes are older. Rita: Sam, I worry. I worry sometimes.

Sam: Yeah... do you worry that you did something wrong?

Rita: No. I worry that I've gotten more out of this relationship than you.

Rita: It's just... I've never lost at anything.

Rita: Where is your father?

Willy Harrison: Where do you think?

Rita: Now, Ms. Cossell, in all the time that you've known them, have you ever questioned Sam's ability as a father?

Annie: Never.

Rita: Never?

Annie: Never. Look at Lucy. She's strong. She displays true empathy for people, all kinds of people. I know that you all think she's as smart as she is despite him, but it's because of him. Rita: So what you're saying is you don't worry about Lucy's future?

Annie: No, I do.

Rita: Ah...

Annie: I worry all the time. I worry if they take Lucy away from her father they will take away an enormous piece of her, and I worry that she will spend the rest of her life trying to fill that hole. Lucy: I won't read the word!

Sam: I'm your father and I'm telling you to read the word. Cause I can tell you to because I'm your father.

Lucy: I'm stupid.

Sam: You are not stupid!

Lucy: Yes, I am.

Sam: No, you are not stupid 'cause you can read that word. Lucy: I don't wanna read it if you can't.

Sam: No, because it makes me happy! It makes me happy hearing you read. Yeah, it makes me happy when you're reading.

Lucy: [Lucy reads again]

Conner Rhodes: Are you a retard too?

Lucy: No!

Conner Rhodes: How do you know?

Lucy: Because he told me.

Conner Rhodes: But he's a retard! Lucy: It takes one to know one. [making fun of Lucy's dad] Conner Rhodes: Sorry, Mr. Egg. Joe: Do we get balloons? Shoe Salesman: ...Yeah Joe: All of us or just her? Conner Rhodes: Why does your father act like a retard? Lucy: He is.

Lucy: Why are men bald?

Sam: Sometimes they're bald because their head is shiny and they don't have hair on it. So their head is just more of their face. Daddy,why does the snow flake? What is mustard made of? Why are men bald?

Why does the moon follow me home?

Daddy,do i look more like you or mummy……

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