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来源网站:百味书屋 2016-12-17 07:57:00



The story happened in the mysterious future. Because of the situation which earth was facing that we are lacking of resources, human beings started the project Avatar planned to get resources from the planet Pandora. The member of the project was Jack Sully, who was an ex-soldier on the earth with a lower body paralysis. He owned his hybrid life from Na'vi, the Avatar with a 3-meter height after he had arrived at the planet Pandora. Instantly, he encountered a series of experiences. At first, Jack wanted to help humans, but he fell in love with the Na'vi princess. He also knew that the Na'vi loved the natural, protected the nature and the animals lived in peace. It was different from humans what to do. Finally,Jack became the leader of the planet's creature and led others fight for survival. Of course, they defeated the humans.

In the film, I saw a scene, the commander told the soldiers that the Na'vi believed the Eywa would bless them, and all of them laughed at it. Is it funny? No. People hang together because they have the same belief. But the soldiers in this film didn't understand the truth. They had completed been cold-blooded killers.

As the aggressor, human just how soon get mineral, but do not consider they needed was somebody else, what is the difference between this and the robber. The invaders are always lost than to get, and the ending of this film is that, the human will get nothing, but rides in countless lives. I hope one day people can like a Na'vi, pure, kind, and brave.


The review of Avatar

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Avatar, a science fiction film directed by well-known director James Cameron, made people ponder and gave a profound impression to me. It drew miraculous audiences all around the world. It earns 2.7 billion dollars at an alarming rate in the world and became the first box office movie. What made it succeed? Some people consider its gorgeous virtual frames made by computer. But I discovered its connotation is more wonderful.

Avatar is a story in future, when we can move to other planet on a large scale. Pandora is a natural and beautiful planet. A plan, named 'avatar', was commenced by human being to plunder resources of the natives on Pandora.Humans want the resources, but the resources are under a big tree, which the natives live in age after age and they call it home tree. So they have some contradiction. 'Avatar' actually is to make a Pandora native's body and let a human thought in.

Jake, a lame man, after becoming an avatar, was found by a native woman, Neytiri. She thought Jake maybe the hope for the home tree. 'Avatar' was to communicate with the natives. People usually fail, except Jack. Jack was successful to adapt natives' live. He felt the nature, communicate with animals and plants, tamed an Ikran and rode it. Jack even fell in love with Neytiri.

But not for long, most people wanted a war and plunder the resources immediately. They attacked the home tree and burned the forest. The natives were angry and disappointed to humans. But they have not advanced weapon to fight against with humans. At this point, Jack rode a Great Leonopteryx, which the natives regard as leader. Jack called upon more natives to fight. Finally, the natives won the war leading by Jack and Jack became Pandora native forever.

Avatar prompts us to ponder, why most human in this firm urge wealth, even damage the environment on Pandora and slaughter the natives? Is the reason that Pandora isn't our hometown? Obviously, it's not. Humans damage earth environment and hurt each other, too. James Cameron shows people's greed through the humans' army to make us feel disgusted with the men, who ruin the environment.

On this firm, I also realize the importance to feel each other. In the firm, each Pandora native has a 'tail' to feel trees, animals and other native. So they can know the nature and love the environment. Like Jack, in the firm, he felt everything on the Pandora, so he can experience the Pandora natives. Knowing the natives are eager for peace, he didn't want a war. James Cameron through Jack, a Pandora native with human's thought, tells us that if we can experience others feeling, the world would be much better.

Generally speaking, Avatar is a firm with profound connotation.






适合具有浪漫主义情怀的有志青年们观看。主人公杰克 萨利是一位腿部残疾的前美军海军陆战队成员,在人类眼中只是一个无足轻重的“废物”,而纳威人的公主却对他青眼有加,对他的称谓“白痴”其实毫无轻蔑之意,有的只是亲密和怜爱。当人类的弃儿化身为纳威人的魅影骑士从天而降时,怎么不令人感慨万千?当其为保卫纳威人的家园而振臂一呼、应者如云时,怎么不令人热血沸腾?天生我材必有用!



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