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08:00 am




  Dear teachers and students,


  Good morning, teachers and classmates! I'm Harriet from 11B, and this is my classmate nikki. The theme of our speech today is: To cherish peace and love the motherland.


  On this peaceful Monday morning, a certain country may be suffering from war thousands of kilometers away. We are often taught to be grateful for the peace around us, because at the same time, some people are suffering.


  We are grateful for the three meals we can eat until we are full, and for the outdoor space where we can travel safely, because these are all gifts brought to us by a peaceful environment. It is natural to feel ignorant about these blessings, and real-time air defense alerts may be echoing. When we are thankful for our gains, we gradually forget that it is "peace" that has brought us a pleasing time.. Like flowers, the potted plants on the balcony and the wild chrysanthemums on the road have different destinies. What is peace for them? Peace means not having to worry about the wheels running over you every day, nor having to worry about not getting the nutrients and moisture from the soil. Human beings are equal. But why don't we need to worry about this?


  In this place where pigeons can fly freely, we don't need to hide shells, or even know whether dinner today will be the last meal or whether the water we drink will bring malaria. Backed by a powerful country, we can live with peace of mind.


  Perhaps there are still many imperfections in China today. But we still love her as much as our mother.


  She has shortcomings, and we will correct them together; It is by no means to denigrate and ridicule her, and it will not hurt her with people with ulterior motives.


  No matter where you are in the world, when you encounter danger and difficulties, there will always be a strong hand to protect you. Because of this confidence, we can pursue further goals and explore a wider world.


  This is the end of our speech. Thank you.

国旗下关于珍惜和平,热爱祖国主题中英文演讲稿相关关键词:国旗 中英文 演讲稿 热爱祖国 珍惜,格式,希望可以提供给大家进行参考和借鉴。助你无忧写作。

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