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《自律伴我成长 拼搏成就梦想》国旗下的讲话范文

08:00 am

《自律伴我成长 拼搏成就梦想》国旗下的讲话范文


  Distinguished teachers, dear fellow students:


  Happy to see you guys on this pleasant morning!


  We are Lu Sirui and Liang Chao from Class 1 Grade 9. We are honored to have the chance to speak here. The topic we are going to talk about today is “grow up with self-discipline and achieve our dreams with hard work”.


  Autumn is an amazing season and September is an amazing month. When the autumn sun shines in the sky and earth is covered with golden sunlight. It reminds us to fight for our own dreams in this wonderful time. As Grade Nine students, We start the new term for senior high school, and it’s also the year for us to struggle for our lives.


  With the wise leadership of our principal, profession and devotion of all our teachers and harmonious and friendship among our fellow students this summer, Qidong Qidi Foreign Language School achieved great success in senior high school entrance examination. As a result, our school is deeply trusted by all walks of life. The new term is a fresh start. With our smiling face, Let’s start from this moment with our dreams.


  Leaving our home for Qi Di means we are away from our parents and their care. However, with the attention and care of our teachers and fellow students, we grow up healthily and we long for success.


  To achieve success, we have to be self-controlled. Only in this way, can we improve ourselves and depend on ourselves. A research showed that self-control is the key to success instead of intelligence. Some of us may ask why should we work so hard? Our overworked parents, excellent fellow students around you and also your own future shaped by what you are doing now, all these may explain why.


  Not everyone can be what they want to be, but we can work hard and become what we want to be. No one's youth is walked on a red carpet. The pain we have suffered, the responsibility we have borne, the sins we have carried, the pain we have endured, will eventually turn into light and illuminate our way forward. Remember, those who discipline themselves will excel; those who slack off will be out.


  To succeed, we also need to do as the following points. First, we must enhance the concept of time and clear goals which we struggle for. Combine with our own reality, make reasonable arrangements, formulate a good plan for our study life, set small permanent goals, and stick to them for a long time to ensure that our goals are achieved one by one. Second, we should pay attention to learning details, such as taking the initiative to preview learning content, paying full attention in class and using class time efficiently and reviewing and organizing what we’ve lesrnt after class. To be an excellent student, an error book is necessary. Third, we must develop four deep thinking habits: systematic learning habits, the habit of tracing the roots, the habit of common sense thinking, and the habit of deep reading.


  All my classmates, in this school, we are bathed in the love of our teachers; we are alongside teachers and masters; we are hard-working and hard-thinking; we are consolidating our foundations and improving our abilities. Let us enhance our sense of hard work and competition, pave the way to success with diligence, and strengthen our strength to leap onto the golden list of next year's secondary school examinations with hard work.I believe that we can win honour for our school in 2023.


  Finally, please follow us and chant.


  Aim high and keep your feet on the ground, work hard and give it your all, take the exams and we will succeed!(I want to be successful, I want to be ambitious, I want to be practical, I want to work hard, I want to do my best, I want to succeed!).


  This is the end of our speech under the flag, thank you!


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《自律伴我成长 拼搏成就梦想》国旗下的讲话范文》出自:百味书屋
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